Chapter 1: Dark discoveries

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Hey! I know what your thinking , I know I haven't uploaded for ages, and I'm very sorry! If you have any Ideas, TELL ME!!!!!! Please? And if you want to be in the story please leave a comment any time! I am looking for a couple of freinds or enemies for her. There is a very particular enimie that i need someoneto be, who will play a MASSIVE part in the story, especially at the very end, so please try and comment or i may have to just make up my own people!I'm doing this on my phone so sorry if it's crap. Im ten, so I got excuses! Please fan , vot or comment if you want! Or else!

;) enjoy!

Chapter 1: Dark discoverie

Annaleise's POV

" You freak!" Millie half laughed half screamed at me.

"who would want to adopt you?"

I clenched my fists, anger that I had been holding in towards her for the past eight years flowing through me. " Go-now!" I managed to get out.

"what are you going to do about it? Run home to your mummy? Oh-wait you don't have one! She burst into cold laughter. But suddenly she stopped. Her face frozen in a look of pure terror. Hah, I think she wet her pants, bithch....

I looked around. Then I suddenly realised that there was a massive snake slithering through the small window. Oh my god, I thought but for some reason I wasn't afraid.

I spoke to it.

" hello, can you understand me?" I knew I was speaking but all I heard was a cold, hissing voice.

" Yes, I can understand perfectly well." it hissed. All of a sudden, Millie was on the floor blood pouring from her neck. At first I was scared, but then I just sat down on my bed and laughed. I just laughed a cold, high laugh like a mad woman. Millie just stared at me, obvious terror written across her face. She started screaming a blood curdling scream, and then, all was quiet.

Something clicked inside of me. My first victim.

" Thanks, what's your name?" I asked the snake.

" Jinx, and I know your name, annaleise."

" How do you know my name?" I asked silenced and suspicious.

It laughed, the sound was chilling, a hissing type of noise. " Every snake knows your name, Annaleise."


If you haven't read what I put at the very top of the page, then please do because it Is very important!

Barty crouch junior's POV

I flung open the doors to the 17th orphanage THIS WEEK!

" I wish to speak to Annaleise!" I hissed.

The dark lord had trusted me with the task of finding his daughter, and I would not fail him.

" A girl was found dead with two marks in her neck inside her room!" the woman, In her late teens spat back.

I smirked. Just like her father.

" Such a waste...." I breathed as a walked out the room, her body hit the floor, cold and lifeless. Her eyes glazed over as if looking at something no one else could see. She was dead.

Children opened their doors to look at me as I walked up the stairs, and across the hallways. I just kept walking until I reached the last door. I quietly opened the door, and their was a pretty young girl sitting on her bed with.... A big black snake.

" Annaleise?"


Annaleise's POV

I heard the door creak open. I could sense someone behind me. My back stiffened and I held my snake protectively. Matron would not take her away, no matter what.

" Annaleise?" a voice asked softly.

Confusion, and curiosity over took me. I turned round to see a good looking man ( who looked like a person I had seen in doctor who i saw when watching matron watch tv through the window) was standing in my doorway.

" What's it to you?" I asked cooly.

He chuckled softly. What was so funny?

" Your father sent me to get you."

Woah, Woah Woah. He knew my father!?

" I'm not coming with you! I just met you!"

" You are part of- well a very big part actually, of the wizarding world." He spoke with calm and confidence.

I was bewildered. " What the HELL?! You expect me to believe you and just let you take me to some random place, claiming to know my father?!" god, some people are just DUMB.

" I don't like you!" I spat at him sarcastically.

He chucked some more. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a massive snake appeared.

" You must be Annaleise." it hissed. " Believe me, you are a witch!"

" Prove it then!"

Suddenly a giant snake, but this one made of fire appeared.

I panicked and suddenly a foaming, huge wave washed through the room.

Hehe.... That weirdo was soaked!

" Is that proof enough? I must say, your much more advanced than most, and you are-?

" Eight" I replied, my eyes narrowed in suspicion.

" Fine, I will come." He smirked, and with that, we were gone.

I hope you liked my first chapter! It was pretty rubbish but like I said before I have an excuse! Please vot or fan or comment if you liked it, or else! * flexes muscles*

" Your father sent me

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