Chapter 4: Diagon alley

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Chapter 4: Diagon alley

God i hate apparating, almost as much as i hate muggles. I thought to myself, which was saying alot since i am voldemorts daughter.

" Lets go to the book shop."

After looking about, for aound half an hour, a girl came in. She wasnt pretty, or anything like that, but she was staring at me and coming my way. " Hello" she sneered at me. God she did not know what the hell she had gotten herself into.

I scoffed " Go get a life, bitch...."

" Ah, someones getting anrgy!" She said annoyingly.

I pulled out my wand and put it against her thoat. " Your not aloud to use magic out of school under 17!" She said cockily, although she looked very anxious.

"Try me."

"Im not scared of you!"

"What about me?" Bellatrix said as she stepped out of the shadows, looming over that sickly girl.

"B-Bellat-trix l-lestang-ge!" She stuttered pathetically and an out of the shop. God, what an idiot!

" I will kill her pesonally some day...." I stated as i watched her rapidly retreating figure.

We got something from every shop, apart from ollivanders, because i already have a wand.

"Lets go!" she exclaimed and we vanished yet again........

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