Autocorrect ψ(`^')ψ

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This is why Aly hates the autocorrect -_-

*Aly and Slendy were doing a Rise Of The Guardians role play*

Aly- *as Pitch Black* There will always be fear !! *sends it to Slendy and the autocorrect changes Pitch to Bitch*

Aly- *hisses* Dammit !!

*the role play ended and then they started taking about random things*

Aly- *asks Sledny about the movie that comes out next week* *the autocorrect changes Week to Weed* 0.0

Aly- *a while later Aly writes 'ñeñeñeñe' and the autocorrect changes it to 'amamantábamos' 😑😤 FUCK YOU !!! *throws iPod to the wall*

Ben- *in his room laughing* XD WORTH IT !!


This.Has.Happened.To.Me -_- I really really really REALLY hate the autocorrect

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