Chapter 12

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Zayn POV
Today Gigi and I are just gunna shopping because I'm a good boyfriend...

"Thanks for bringing me shopping Zayn" she said to me

"No bother babe" I said to her with a smirk

Man, she went on a mad shopping spree nearly spending my whole wallet..

After that we drove over to my place and chilled

"Babe thank you so much for buying me all this" she said to me with her gorgeous smile

"Yeah no bother babe anytime (:" I said

Suddenly our phones rang at the same time... I picked up mine..

Zayn: Hello?
Niall: yo Zayn it's Nialler what you up too
Zayn: nothing much what about you?
Niall: nothing much bro..
Zayn: why did you call me?
Niall: need some advice?
Zayn: ye gowan
Niall: do you think I should ask out Cara or nah
Zayn: Yeah man go for it... Eyebrows wouldn't mind goin out with you
Niall: Awh ya thanks Zayn
Zayn: No bother... Gigi is over so il talk to ya
Niall: alri netflix and chilling
Zayn: Bye!

"Hey Gigi who were you on the phone too?" I asked her

"oh it was Cara she just needed some advice" she said
"who were you on the phone too?"

"I was on the phone with Niall and he also needed some advice" I told her

"so is this advice about...... Asking Cara out on a date?" She said with a cheeky smirk

"Yeah how did you know?"

"She texted me... Don't worry she said yes" she said laughing

Gigi and I continued watching Netflix until she randomly sat on my lap than we started to make-out.. I was enjoying it until my mam came in than she jumped off back to her side of the bed.

"Zayn what you want for dinner?" My lovely mother asked me

"Ehm we'll have some pizza if that's alri" I said

"okay Zaynie" she said before walking out the door

Than Gigi started giggling.

"Why are you giggling?" I asked her

"Oh nothing...... ZAYNIE " she said bursting out with laughter

Oh just ignored it and continued to watch the movie

"Oh Zayn it's cute don't worry.... Now where we're we (;" she got on my lap again and we started to make-out

I got to say it was fun... It lasted awhile until our Pizza came...

Shitty chapter I know but it will get better (:

Check out:
Summer Love
The Flash and The Arrow
Bad Blood
Camping with One Direction

BRADFORD BAD BOY (Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat