Chapter 1

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I stood on the bedside table, in the room I shared with several other slaves. All nekos. If you don't know what that is. It's essentially a human. With catlike ears, a tail, and also some feline traits. Such as purring. Tugging gently on the rope that hung from the ceiling.

"Asland! Please!" I heard Henry scream. One of my roommates. He was locked out of our room with the others. Master would probably be there soon. I shook my head and softly chuckled.

I absolutely hate this place. For three years I've been treated like a little toy.
When master needed to play with me, he did. The first time I fell for his game. I fell for my master. He treated me like a prince, and said he loved me and made me rely on him for everything. Let's face it. I'm a person that needs love. I crave to be held and truly cared for. That's all I want.

He gave that to me. But it was fake. Innocent, naïve me had no idea. Until I saw him sleeping with some other twink I have to live with. Then I heard it. His booming, terrifying yell that scares me to this day. "Asland! Open your door right fucking now! Or I'll break it the fuck down!" It was Chris. Or master. I haven't called him Chris since I learned this was all just a game.

"Fuck you!" I screamed as loud as I could, I slid the rope around my neck and was about to step forward, to finally end all of this shit. But that's when the door broke down. And Chris forcefully took me, and slid off the noose. He carried me out of my room,
Slaves watching intently as master took me to the punishment room. He threw me onto the hard metal table and got hold of my neck. "You stupid slut! You could've died!" He yelled at me.

I whimpered as he slapped me harshly across the face, leaving a bright red mark. "That was the point." I manage to get out before he ripped off my shirt. "I've had enough with your shit."

"Just let me die Chris" he seemed shocked as I used his name.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" He growled and started strapping me to the table. A punishment for something like this was at LEAST fifty lashings. He grabbed the whip.

"You heard me. Christopher Drew Arkansas." I pushed him.

"You really want this, don't you." He smirked. That fucking smirk of his was honestly dead sexy. He had dark brown hair that fell into his dark eyes. He was a sadist. And a Dom. Not the kind that will give you any kind of aftercare. He only did when he was playing the game with you.

"Kill me." I whispered, just wanting all of this to end. I hate him. So much. I wanted to die on my own terms but he ruined it. I hate him. Then I felt the hard whip crack across my chest.

"You haven't been eating." He said, looking up at me and back to my extremely underfed figure. My collarbones, rib cage, hip bones, everything stuck out under my pale skin. I shook my head. "Nope. Of course you wouldn't know that. You don't give a single shit about me. Or
Any other one of your pets."

He raised an eyebrow and struck me, more than once this time. Leaving me a bleeding and crying mess. "Should you be taking it like a little bitch? Hm? You wanted this cupcake." He cackled and licked the tears as they streamed down my cheeks. "You know. You're beautiful." He mumbled and chuckled. This time I kept my mouth shut and carried on the punishment.

I ended up with only forty or so lashings. Which was incredibly lucky for me. I was sent back to my room, only to find all of my blades, pills, and ropes were gone. I groaned and whimpered softly. I was so used to this torment. Because I talk back and break the rules. I had to take a shower now. It was mandatory. I had to take a stinging shower.

I turned on the warm water and found some comfort as it inched it's way down my back. I had myself leaned over in a way so it would just pour down my back and not make my already pained chest feel like it was on fire. But eventually the streams of liquid made its way into every single gash. It felt like fire.

I quickly washed my hair and body and got the hell out. I walked into the room, finding boys leaning on each other and talking about stupid shit. I sighed, walking to my bed in only a towel. I was about to reach under my bed for where my clothes were but noticed something on my bed.

A note and an oversized black sweater with a pair of thigh socks. I put everything on. I didn't care who saw. We were all used to being naked in front of each other. Now time to read the note. Just to dread each word. "Asland is to report to Master's room as soon as he is dressed."

Just fucking wonderful...

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