Chapter 17

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Every Rose Has its Thorn

It All Matters:

We both lie close together but we feel miles apart inside. I tried not to hurt you, I tried.. But I guess that's why they say, every rose has its thorn...

Jiyong couldn't bring himself to find sleep for the entire night. He's had many moments throughout his life where he hated himself but this moment topped them all.

"It's done then?" Jiyong sat in the drivers seat, seeing the sun rise but he stared more through it than at it. He felt numbing rage in a way where he couldn't even explain it to himself.

"Yes, I deleted everything as promised." Missy climbed her way back into the passenger seat from the back. She tried showing him her phone for him to see she deleted all the footage she threatened to post but he didn't move a muscle to look at it.

"Good." He nodded slightly. His voice then turned into a cold and hissed whisper, his fist gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles went white, "Now get out."

"You still want me out of your car?"

"No, I want you to get out of Korea." Jiyong growled, tears threating to burst out of him due to his hurt and rage. He didn't think he ever heard himself sound so dark and serious. "I never want to see you again."

"Okay. I'll go then. After breaking up with Youngbae I figured I should." Missy shrugged. "I didn't like it here that much anyway."

Missy left to go get a taxi home, leaving Jiyong alone to break down. The guilt he felt was overwhelming. He took the time to scream and groan, punch and slam his head on the steering wheel, grip his hair and even rip some of it out as he cried and screamed. He slammed his head onto the steering wheel over and over, hoping it could knock him out then he could wake up and be relieved to find out this was all a dream; but it wasn't. He messed up so bad this time and he knew that. Why didn't he snatch the phone from her? Why did he let her manipulate him and blackmail him? What in the world was he thinking? Why did he let this happen? The answer was that he was stupid. He was stupid, an idiot, the stupidest guy on the planet. Why was he so stupid?

Once he felt like he could compose himself, he wiped his tears and took deep breath after deep breath. He pulled out his phone and called MiKyung, not feeling ready to face Victoria.

"Ji? Why are you calling so early?" MiKyung's sleepy voice indicated she had just woken up.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, it's okay. I was already awake." He actually did wake her up but she didn't want to make him feel bad.

"I'm sorry for bothering you so early in the morning. I just really need someone to talk to." Jiyong wiped his sniffled nose. "You wouldn't mind if I stopped over there for a minute or so, would you?"

"Oh it's completely fine. Come right over."

"Thank you." Jiyong immediately took off to her place. When he got there she didn't let him wait a moment outside, she immediately granted him entrance which he was grateful for since he didn't have to stand there and risk someone snapping pictures of him. He knocked on her apartment door and it took a minute for her to answer since she had been taking the time to freshen herself up to look presentable and to also try cleaning up the place a little so he could have a good first impression.

"Hey, Ji." She greeted him with that adorable smile of hers.

"Hey." He greeted back as she let him come inside.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why? Do I look bad?" He chuckled, discreetly trying to sniff himself to make sure he didn't smell bad. He shouldn't since he sprayed on fresh cologne in the parking lot.

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