Chapter One

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I took a deep breath as I stepped off of the train, suitcase rolling behind me. It was time to start my life in Central City. Don't get me wrong, I'd loved Starling, but I figured that Central would be the place to be for a while.

I pulled out my phone to send a text.

~Here. Don't worry so much~

I received a reply seconds later.

~You're like a sister to me. I have an obligation to make sure that you're safe, Ricky~

~Awww. I'll miss you most Ollie~

~Go find your apartment~

How he manages to sass over text never ceases to amaze me.

I walked out of the station and hailed a cab, gave him the address of my new flat, and I was on my way.


The first thing on my to do list was to straighten out my apartment. I took one look at the boxes stacked high all around the room.

"Nah." I grinned, and walked out of my apartment and locked the door.

I needed a coffee, so I headed to Jitters.


"Can I please have a cappuccino? Two sugars," I said to the barista.

"Sure thing," she smiled, took my money and went to make my coffee.

A few minutes later I was sitting at a table, staring off into space while I drank my coffee. I was brought back to reality when I heard a large smash.

I looked around the café with a startled look on my face, to see one of the workers on the floor, cleaning up a spill. But that wasn't what surprised me about the situation. I also saw Barry Allen awake and in Jitters talking to his friend, Iris. I grinned into my cup of coffee. Central City was about to get interesting.


Two Days Later

It was all over the news. Apparently, Clyde Mardon had somehow survived the plane crash that had supposedly killed him and his brother nine months ago. I chuckled. I think a visit to Star Labs will be needed soon.


The Next Week

I decided that today would be as good as any to go to Star Labs and offer my services.

As I waltzed into the cortex, I raised my voice saying, "What's happening Star Labs?"

"Who the hell are you?" Caitlyn asked panicked.

"Me?" I asked pointing at myself. "I'm Jackie Garrick. I like and dislike a few things. My hobbies? I have a lot of hobbies. Dreams for the future......never really thought about it."

Cisco grinned, while Caitlyn looked confused, and Barry still seemed alarmed.

"Sooooo, where's Wells?" I asked curiously.

"Right behind you, Miss Garrick." His voice came from behind me.

I rolled my eyes and glared at the wall. Damn him.

"So. Barry." I turned my attention to the man. "What's it like being super fast?"

The whole team blanched. "What? Did I say something I shouldn't have?"

"H-how did you know?" Barry asked.

"Hmmm. You just told me." I winked.

Wells and Caitlyn glared at Barry, who shrugged sheepishly. Meanwhile Cisco had made his way over and we did our secret handshake.

"Good to see you."

"You too, bro." I laughed.

"So you know Cisco." Wells stated, gaining the attention of Barry and Caitlyn.

"Your point being what?" I glared at him. "I know lots of people. Anyway, Cisco?"


"Any Metas that need attention this week?"

"Uhhh, not yet. At least, I think." He said thoughtfully.

I chuckled.

"Who'd you deal with last week?"

"Multiplex!" Cisco said in excitement.

The rest of the team groaned at the use of the name.

"What? I think that's a cool name. It's better than, The Streak." I said cheekily.

Cisco snorted behind his hand.

"Thanks Cisco." Barry snapped.

"What?" Cisco asked defensively.

"Whatever. If you ever need help, just give me a shout," I announced as I left the cortex.

AN: So, welcome to 'Flash, Meet the Ten'.

I am not happy with the way that this chappy turned out at all. But then again, first chapters are always shit. If you haven't guessed from the way this chapter ended, the first Meta that Jax will help Team Flash with is The Mist. I am already planning the chapter for Rainbow Raider, and there will definitely be a bit of a twist there.

Later Speedsters.

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