Janie Sticks Again

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Tracy stared at Alex, and Alex stared back. They both had the same expression on their faces, A look of pure surprise.
"Tracy, what's wrong?" Asked Mrs. Crumplebottom. Tracy woke up out of her trance, and put a smile on her face.
"Oh Alex, you didn't tell me you were moving to this school!" Alex seemed to realize what she was doing and joined in, with a shy smile.
"I didn't know you were at this school! it's good to see you."
"Well Alex since you seem to know Miss. Sparrow, very well why don't you go sit next to her?" Suggested Mrs.Crumplebotton. Alex shrugged and walked over to the desk next to Tracy. Tracy ripped a piece of paper out of her book and scribbled a note to Alex that read, Thanks for saving me there. She passed over to the boy. Alex grabbed it, scanned its contents then quickly wrote back. When the note landed on her desk she read it immediately. No problem, I need to see you after school. Tracy looked towards Alex who was watching her and gave a quick nod. The rest of the day seemed to go by in a blur. After she was done talking to Alex she would have to introduce him to Jake, and explain to Jake about her theory on the dreams. Alex tapped her on the shoulder,
"Are you free?" Tracy's stomach fluttered, stop that, she thought.
"Actually I forgot to tell you but I have to go see Mr.Oliver, for my daily punishment." Tracy made a face, Alex laughed. Which made her smile.
"Is he really that bad?" He asked.
"Oh ya, the whole lot of them are." They both burst out in fits of laughter, but the moment didn't last long.
"Already started telling lies about me to the new kid, have you?" Janie scolded. She flashed her trademark smile at Alex.
"Hey, darling I'm Janie Oliver. I'm here to tell you you're hanging with the wrong person. As demonstrated she's not nice at all." Janie smirked at Tracy, her eyes taunted her, beat that, they said.
"Actually, I tend to like to hang with mean people." Alex started, " And you just don't seem mean enough to hang with me!" He smiled and grabbed Tracy's arm.
"Come on Trace." Tracy's insides tingled at his touch, she scowled at herself. What was wrong with her
"Wait! Alex," Janie said frustrated, she wasn't used to people not wanting to be her friend. " I can be mean too! Just watch!" She turned to Tracy and lightly shoved Alex away. Every stride that Janie took seemed to advance in slow motion. Alex watched pale faced. His eyes looking into Tracy's apologetically. Tracy gave him a confident smile. This time she was determined to stand up to Janie. Tracy felt a tugging sensation in the lower back part of her brain. Suddenly her world was enhanced and she felt ten times smarter. Then her instincts took over. She concentrated on Janie, until she felt a small hum coming from the back of her head. Soon Janie was violently smacking herself, then she toppled to the floor. Tracy stood in shock, had she just done that? Her world faded back to normal, and her extra intelligence was gone as quickly as it had come.
"Witch!" Janie screamed from the floor. Alex came up behind her.
"Now I really need to talk to you!" Alex said nervously.
"I can't I have to go see Mr.Oliver."
"I'll fix it come on." Alex started towards the office. He knocked on the door. Mr.Oliver opened it, he looked confused for a brief second then said.
"I understand." and closed the door.
"What did you do? What's wrong with us?" Tracy asked.
"No here, we need to go somewhere private." Tracy nodded she knew just where to go. The cliff.

The two teenagers sat in silence for a while.
"So," Alex started "I guess I should explain what happened to Mr.Oliver." Tracy gave him a nod and he continued, "From what I've figured out I have some ability. When I use it I'm extra smart. My so called power can make illusions, but I think that they happen in the person's mind, because only they can see it." Tracy looked at Alex. "What did you make Mr.Oliver see?" Alex smirked." A teacher that told him that you had been relieved from your punishment."
"How clever of you." Tracy smiled, Alex blushed. "It was nothing."
Then Tracy remembered Jake. She got serious again.
"So did you have your powers before the whole, needle dream?"
"Yes." Alex answered.
"So if someone else had a dream like that it would mean that they have powers too?"
Alex contemplated the idea. "Theoretically, yes they would. Why?"
Tracy realized she'd been holding her breath, she let all the air out.
"Do you know Jake?" Alex nodded, "He's in my history class."
"Well he had the same dream, but a night before us." Alex's eyes grew wide with fear. "We need to tell him. He needs to find out what he can do."
Tracy sighed, "But what does all of this mean. What are we supposed do about it?"
"I don't know." Alex said uncertainly,"All I know is that we have to find all of us, if there's more than three I mean." Tracy nodded and started leading Alex to jake's house.

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