Home Is In Your Eyes

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Hey I'm sorry I didn't upload in a while... I have some stuff going on and I haven't had any ideas. This might be a short chapter because I'm clueless of what to write!! So.... Here ya go(:



Greysons POV

I walked through the doorway of Dannys room and into mine. I wasnt even tired! I decided I could go downstairs and play my piano. But that'd wake up Danny. What else is there to do? I guess I'll just go and lay down.

I looked onto my dresser and saw I had two new text messages. It's ten thirty! Who's texting me at this time?!

It was from Danny.

First message: "Hey can I ask you something??"

Second message: "Hello? Are you already asleep?"

I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my phone. I texted her back.

"Hey sorry I was downstairs. What's ur question?"

No answer.

I heard faint sobbing coming from the other room. I couldn't seem to make out what room it was coming from. I walked past Alexas, Tanners, and Mom and Dads room. Nothing. I finally reached Dannys room and heard her crying and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I heard her sadly say.

"Oh my gosh Danny. What's wrong?!" I asked, a bit concerned.

"It's just that I got a call from my dad saying that my mom is in the hospital... She got in a car crash on her way home from work. So they won't be able to make it here until... next month!" She replied almost bursting into tears.

"Oh gosh! Is she alright?!" Even though I don't know her mother, I fear for Dannys sake.

"I have no idea! But she... Went into a coma and they don't know... when or if she's going to... Wake up." Before I knew it her face was buried into my chest and she just let it all out.

I ran my fingers through her hair and tried calm her down. She looked up and her face was drenched with tears. Seeing her like this breaks my heart. I dont know what to do.

"I'm so sorry, Danny. I hope she'll be okay. Do you wanna fly home tomorrow or something? I could come with you if you'd like?" I calmly asked.

"No I'll be fine. He said not to worry and stay here," Danny said after stopping the tears.

"You sure? I'll tell my mom that youre staying a bit longer than you thought. I know she'll understand," I softly explained.

"Yeah. And okay. Thanks so much!"

"Youre welcome."

I hugged her one last time and walked to the door.

"Goodnight Greyson," Danny whispered as I walked out the door.

"Goodnight Danny." I said once again. And shut the door.

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