Chapter 2

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After all her classes were over she went to his room and saw he had a muscle shirt and gym shirts he looked so damn fine.

"Hey."he said looking up from his graded papers and smiling at her as she sat down.

"Hey so what do you want me to do?"she said putting her backpack on the ground and staring up at him.

"I want you to give me a page essay on why you shouldn't have your phone out in class."he said sternly

"OK I'm looking forward to doing it."she said sarcastically.

"You can cut the sarcasm bullshit and start doing your work."he said writing stuff on the board. He started to talk in Spanish under his breath. Then all of a sudden he turned on his phone and it started ringing a Spanish song. She started laughing he looked up at her and mouthed shut up in Spanish. He quickly walked out of the room and stood in the hall for about 5 minutes and then came back in.

"Sorry about that family problems,but anyway are you finish? ."he said walking up beside her he looked at her paper and she didn't have anything on it. She saw the muscle tick in his jaw because she didn't start it.

"Are you okay?"she said laughing in the inside

"Why didn't you start your work?"he said looking at her dead in her eyes with a cold hard stare.

"Naturally it's a waste of my time and yours so if you excuse me I need to go see my boyfriend."she said grabbing her stuff she was about to walk out the door.

"What makes you think I said you can leave huh you kids have no respect for authority at all you think you can just do things and get away with it?."he said as she was backing up in the corner.

"No that's not what I meant let me just go finish that paper for you Alex."she said sitting back down in her seat. She started working in her paper and got done in 10 minutes. She put her things in her backpack and turned in her paper.

"Wait, have a great afternoon with your boyfriend."he said string at her

"Gracias, I will."she said laughing

"De nada haha very funny."he said laughing at her.

Bae: Wre u at?
Lina: Sorry detention
Bae: It's fine just tell me next time
She popped in her ear buds and started to play Best Friend by Young Thug. She got in her car and saw Nick parked outside her house. She got out of her car and ran and hugged her she wrapped her legs around him and started to kiss him. He carried her into the house and up to her room then his phone ringed

Mom: Dads home come home asap
N: Be over in 5
Mom: Thanks

"You look pissed did I do something?"she said

"No bae I got to go though okay I'll see you Monday."he said kissing her forehead.

"Okay see you Monday then like always."she said sadly

"Don't do that."he said

"Do what?"she said

"Like it's my fault like I don't spend enough time with you."he said

"That's the problem you don't we haven't been on a date in forever your always busy on the weekends we barely see each other at school."she said

"You act like that's my fault."he yelled

"First lower you tone with me."she said laughing

"OK what do you want to do?"he said rubbing his hand through his hair.

"I don't know I just want to spend more time with you that's all I'm asking."she said kissing him on his lips

"Got to go."he said walking out of her room and headed home.
She got her coat and got in her car and drove to Fro Yo Oh Oh she ordered a Reeses yogurt and she sat down and was eating and on Instagram. Then she looked up and saw Alex sit in front of her.

"Hey Lina."he said smiling he looked like a different person outside of school he had on a tank top and shorts.

"Hey Alex."she said sadly

"You okay?"he said softly

"No I think my boyfriend is cheating on me."she said eating some of her yogurt

"Why do you say that?"he asked interested

"You don't have to act like your interested I know you aren't."she said

"If I wasn't trust me you would know I would've left by now."he said laughing huskly

"Well we never spend time with each other not even on the weekends he's always busy."she said

"How long have you two been together?"

"Almost a year why?"she said

"Damn how many dates?"he asked curiously

"4 out of this year."she said sounding disappointed

"Why don't you ask him?"he said finishing his yogurt

"It's always the same answer."she said

"I'm sorry about that."he said touching her hand softly

"So don't you have papers to grade?"she said grabbing his hand staring at him.

"Yeah." he said leaning over the table she felt weird she thought I know he isn't about to kiss me in public in front of everyone. He got his finger and wiped the yogurt on her mouth.

"Oh."she said blushing hard

"Why are you blushing?"he said laughing

"I'm sorry."she said laughing softly

"That's fine I think its cute when you blush."he said softly

"Um thanks."she said then her phone vibrated
nick: where r u we need to talk asap
Lina: Fro Yo Oh Oh
nick:meet me at the beach in 15

"What was that about if you don't mind me asking?he asked

"He wants to meet with him to talk."she said

"Well I think I should go I'll see you around."he said waving to her as he walked out.

She put her things in the trash and got in her car and drove to the beach she was so scared but there are other fish in the sea right?

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