Chapter 1

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Tobias POV

"Tris?" I ask in disbelief. "Hi." She says while looking down at the floor. The boys give me a questioning look and I give them an 'I'll tell you later' look. "How have you been?" I ask her. "Good I guess. How about you?" I shrug. "Okay, I mean as okay as you can be after your wife leaves you." I exclaim. "T-Four please don't start this she begs. " I'm sorry but this is the first time I've seen my WIFE in 2 years. 2 years Tris! I lost my baby and wife in the same day." I say with tears in my eyes. "I guess that's our cue to leave." Michael says. The tree of them walk off the bus leaving Tris and I alone. "Look I'm sorry left you and our marriage but I had to leave." "Why though?" "Just because." She goes to walk off the bus but I grab her wrist. "But why Tris. I deserve an answer at least." I yell. "Because I didn't want you to have to deal with my problems. I was a suicidal teen girl that had just lost her baby. If it wasn't for my music I don't know if I would be here today. SO I left because all I was, was trouble." She screams at me with tears streaming down her face. I pull her into a hug and let her sob into my shirt. When she finishes crying She pulls back and looks up at me. I notice we both start to lean in and I place my lips on hers. We share a passionate kiss and pull back. "I've missed doing that." I tell her. "Me too." Just then the boys come barging through the door. They fall on top of each other and I roll my eyes. "So this pretty lady here is the Tris you are always talking about." Calum say looking at Tris. I look at Tris and see her blushing. I nod and kiss her cheek. "So how exactly did you not realize Four was in this band when you accepted to tour with us." Michael asks I see Tris shrug. "I guess I just wasn't paying attention." "Have you heard any of our songs?" Ashton asks. "No. Why?" She says. "Well because Four here is our song writer. So I thought maybe you would know the reason behind a few of them." I glare at them to shut up and they do. Tris looks at me and I just smile. Once we get on the road we all sit around the 'living room' and just talk.

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