~Deadly Destiny~

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I sat down on my bed, with Xavier sitting next to me. "So, your saying, I'm gonna die?" I asked. "Pretty much, unless you can kill HIM. Then you'll be free to return to normal everyday life. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for your friends." He said. I stopped. I wanted to ask him why, but my body refused to speak.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I realized I wasn't breathing, but I couldn't. I shook my head, but it came out as a nod. He still watched me, and I felt faint. He knocked me flat on the ground, and I took a deep breath. "Why were you holding your breath?" He asked. "I w-wasn't." I managed to say. He looked confused for a second, and then he pulled something out of my pocket.

The thing he threw at me earlier.

It was a chain link, except it was black as the night. He put it on the palm of my hand, and a powerful wave of electricity shot through my body. My hand twitched slightly, and the chain link began to become a full length of chain. It spiraled up my arm, and shattered. The pieces disappeared, and I felt better. Xavier pulled me up to my feet, and I clung to the wall to stay standing.

"What the heck was that?" I asked. "That, was a protection chain. It will protect you from the effects a mortal gains from being near HIM." Xavier said. Why is he protecting me anyways? My gaze shifted from him, to a picture on the bookshelf. It was of Aoi, Katsu, Aiden, and me. We were smiling, and holding Aiden above us. He looked terrified, but also looked like he was having fun. I held back a feeling of regret. I shouldn't have left him behind. I should have looked for him, and my friends.

"Can I save them?" I asked.

"Save who?" Xavier asked. I pointed towards the picture. He nodded. "You have to defeat HIM, and then they will be free." I sighed. Xavier keeps telling me I have to defeat him, but I'm nothing special. Xavier is a reaper though, he is definitely more likely to be able to defeat HIM. I reached for my blanket, and pulled it over my head.

"I understand this is confusing" Xavier said. "But it'll make sense to you soon. Just stay alive."

There was a sound of metal slicing through the air, and the room went silent, I pulled the blanket off my head, and saw I was alone. "Kuro! Come downstairs! There's someone I want you to meet!" I heard my mom shout. I got up and opened my door, only to see a black husky with a white scythe shaped mark down his side sitting there. "Careful." He said, and disappeared. I slowly walked down the stairs, and saw my mom talking with somebody at the door. "Who's that?" I asked.

She stopped talking, and moved out of the way so I could see the stranger. It was a man, slightly taller than me. He was smiling, and appeared to be a nice person, but he had a dark aura around him. "Kuro, meet your stepdad." My mom said.

Everything I knew vanished. "N-no!" I shouted, and lunged at him. He stepped out of the way, and I slammed into the door with such force, it knocked the wind out of me. I stood up, blood dripping from a cut on my cheek, as well as the ones Xavier had given me. They had stopped bleeding, but slamming into the door started the blood flow again.

My mom rushed over, and tried to make me sit down, but I refused. I gently pushed her away, and punched my new stepdad in the jaw. I delivered several punches to his gut, before dropping to the ground. I expected him to retaliate, but instead he helped me up. "You throw a nice punch." He said, and guided me over to the couch. My mom went into the kitchen to get a damp paper towel, so I took a chance to ask him a question. "Why didn't you hit back?" I asked. "You never hit a man once he's down." He said."And you never hit family."

Something clicked in my head, and like pieces of a puzzle that had been missing had been found to finish the puzzle, I remembered.

My father.

Destined Death [Book 1: Fate]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin