~Bad Luck~

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My mother was a little shaken up by Xavier, but we finally got her to calm down, mostly because Xavier turned into a dog, which made her more comfortable with his presence. When she pet him he looked ready to bite, but eventually just gave up and let her pet him. My stepdad didn't take to Xavier well, mostly because Xavier insisted on having his scythe near me, seeing as he couldn't carry it while he was a dog.

"So, your telling me, your friend here, is a reaper?" He asked. I nodded, and ran my finger along the edge of the scythe blade. The dark aura that had been around my stepdad at first had returned, and I knew I was irritating him. Perfect. I traced the blade, till I reached the tip, where I "accidentally" cut my finger. He watched the blood drip onto the scythe blade, and the aura darkened. He stood up, and beckoned for my mom to follow him. She got up, and followed him into the kitchen, leaving me and Xavier alone.

"Why are you trying to piss him off?" He asked.

"Because for some reason, I hate that motherfucker." I replied. "He is a motherfucker, I mean, I'm sure he fucked your mother." Xavier said, and grinned. "Only you would find that funny. Me, well, it just gives me another reason to irritate him." Xavier looked hurt by my comment, but started laughing after a few seconds. "Anybody hungry?" My mother asked, and came in, carrying a tray of cookies. I noticed how dull her eyes looked, despite the light shining on her face. Her skin appeared pale, and she was shaking. Under her eyes was wet, like she had been crying, but I had heard no noise. She offered me a cookie, which looked delicious. I gratefully accepted it, and took a bite. Xavier was offered a cookie as well, and he accepted it.

I finished my cookie in no time, and brushed the crumbs off my shirt. "Hey mom? You ok?" I asked. She nodded, her eyes getting duller by the second. She bit her lip, before replying with a short nod. My stepdad grabbed her wrist, whispering something in her ear. More tears dripped down her face. "Please no. Not again." She whispered to him, but I overhead it. He sent her a fierce look, and she was dragged up the stairs. 

"Hey Kuro, I think somethings wrong with your mother." Xavier said. I nodded. "Xavier, I don't think now is a good tome to be here. Even though I worry about my mom, I think we should go." I said. Xavier's form twisted, and he stood up in his human form again. "Alright, let's get going." He said. I passed him his scythe, and he slashed it through the air, creating some sort of portal. 

"Is that even safe?" I asked, unsure. "As safe as can be." He assured me. Taking a deep breath, I walked into it, falling into a pile of sand when I came out on the other side. I spit the sand I had gotten in my mouth out, and rolled over into my back. The sun was high above my head, shining down on me. Xavier pulled me to my feet, and I looked around. We were in a completely sand filled area, with only a few cactuses around. 

"What the fuck Xavier?" I said, blinded by the sun.

Sorry everyone. I know it's a bit short, and all that, but I just couldn't update it the same way FireComett did. He gave me his and his brothers accounts before they left, so know I update everything on them. Sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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