Chapter 2 : the flashbacks

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"Uh, Derpy?" Rainbow Dash trotted out of her house to look at the mail. "Derpy, this isn't my mail. This is Cloudkicker's stuff," she said.

I jolted out of a reverie. I had been thinking about-you guessed it- the Doctor again . "Oops, sorry Rainbow Dash," I said, taking her mail away again. I dug around in my mailbag. "This stuff is yours, correctamundo?" I asked, pulling a couple letters and a Wonderbolts Academy brochure out.

"Yup! Those are mine," Rainbow Dash happily, opening up one of the letters and scanning it quickly. Then she examined the brochure. "About time they updated it. That wasn't Spitfire's most flattering picture," she muttered to herself. Tucking everything under her wing, she clopped off back to her cloud home.

Humming cheerfully, I flapped off towards the real Cloudkicker's home. "A true, true friend helps a friend in need," I muttered as I checked that I had all of Cloudkicker's mail and that they were hers. It was hard, as my right eye was refusing to cooperate again, but Leftie managed to prove all the mail was Cloudkicker's. I stuffed her mail into her mailbox and flew off to my last stop up here in the clouds, Wonderbolts Academy.

"Heyy! Derpy! What's up?" Spitfire said cheerfully as I trotted in with mail in my muzzle. Ha! Mail in the muzzle. Mail-in-the- muzzle. Mailinthemuzzle.

"Hmmmpf," I replied as I dumped Wonderbolts Academy's mail on Spitfire's desk. "How's the mailmare business going?" Spitfire asked.

"Okay," I replied. "I did try to give Rainbow Dash Cloudkicker's mail just now," I said, embarrassed. Spitfire laughed. "You just made my day, Derps," she said, clapping me on the back. I winced. "I've got to go, deliveries, you know," I said, ignoring Spitfire's roar of laughter at that.

"Alright then, see ya, Derps!" she shouted as I exited her office.

"Hey, look! It's the mailmare!" cried a pony practicing on the track outside with her group. "That means there's mail for us in Spitfire's office!" The group cheered loudly until Spitfire came out. "Back to practice! You can pick up your mail during mess hall!" she roared. "You should be in the air by now!"

Smiling to myself, I took off and headed in the direction of the last recipient on my list: Fluttershy, in her cottage of animals.

Fluttershy was outside, trying to get Angel Bunny to eat another carrot. "Angel, you're so skinny," she pleaded. "Please take just another bite." Angel Bunny refused and I laughed, startling both Angel and Fluttershy.

Angel Bunny made for the nearest bush while Fluttershy cringed, looking around her with whirls of her head. I tried to approach her slowly, but I still managed to startle her slightly. "Sorry, Fluttershy," I said. "I didn't mean to scare you or Angel."

Fluttershy regained her composure and gave a gentle smile. "That's okay," she said. I dug in my now-empty mailbag for Fluttershy's mail. "Here it ih," I said as best as I could through a mouthful of mail. Fluttershy took it. "Your shipment of...Assorted Animal Food, of one 350 PP unit, will arrive tomorrow, the UPPS guys will bring it," I said.

PP's are Pony Pounds, the UPPS is the United Pony Parcel Service, and my company, the PPS, is the Pony Postal Service, in case you didn't know. I don't know why you wouldn't know what PP means, but plenty of ponies don't know what UPPS or the PPS stands for.

Anyway, after dropping off Fluttershy's mail, I went back to the post office, put away my hat and bag, said goodbye to the mailmare and mail stallions at the front desk and went back to my house.

No, I don't live in the TARDIS. I have a bedroom, the companions' bedroom, but I really have a nice little cottage near the family bakery, and now, the TARDIS. Luckily the Doctor did not crush my house. I have lots of things in there that are precious to me, plus Dinky would be devastated if her stuff got all crushed and ruined. Doctor knows how important Dinky is to me. I love Dinky, and I once loved her father. Her father...

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