House of Packages/House of Explanations

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Joy headed back to Anubis house later at night from the pub. Just as she was arriving, a late night delivery was being made by the postal service, and Joy went ahead to offer to take it inside. It was a fairly sized package, and not that heavy. She took it inside with her, went to the dining room table, and set it down there to open it up. It was a delivery for Trudy according to the label. She hadn't seen her since just before the rescue mission to get Alfie back. And since she wasn't able to give it to her, Joy decided to open it herself. It was probably important.

She lifted the flaps of cardboard and peered inside. There was a folded letter on top, and then a layer of bubble wrap, and then contents beneath. Joy unfolded the letter and read it first.

Dear Reader,

You probably realized this package was to be sent to Trudy Rehmann. And I've realized that you're opening this package of hers without her authority. I figured this would happen. I knew so, in fact. You're just the same as you were when you were kids. And for once, it's the right thing to do. Because, I am Trudy, and this is a cry for help.

Not only that, but this is my way of helping you. You, by now, are probably aware of the Dream Stone. It's the very thing Daniel has been using to put your friends in the dream state. Without it, he lacks many privileges and advantages he holds over you with it in his possession which is why...I've stolen it.

Not just that, but it is in this package. For you. Use it wisely. Destroy it, if need be. But if you want a true understanding of the stone and how you should go about using it, ask Jerome.

I have to end this letter now. By the time you're reading, Daniel has probably discovered that I've stolen the stone, and I'm most likely dead. If, by chance I'm not, he'll use me as a sacrifice to Neith. So goodbye, my loves. Perhaps, forever.

There were no salutations at the end. Joy's heart dropped a bit at the thought that Trudy could be dead. She placed the letter to the side and removed the bubble wrap from the box, seeing a orangish-yellow stone, about the size of her hand, sitting at the bottom. When she picked it up, it began to glow, but dimly.

She jumped a bit at the sound of voices and the front door to Anubis house opening. Fabian, Patricia, Eddie, Jerome, KT, and Nina (being carried), had just arrived. Nina was taken upstairs and placed in her bed. Eventually, the five of them entered to same room Joy was in. Joy turned to them, the stone still in her hands.

"KT?" She almost didn't believe her eyes.

Jerome's eyes fell to the stone almost immediately. Joy took notice, and saw that his expression became an extremely worried one.

"Oh, this was in the package..." Joy's voice faded out.

"From who?" Jerome asked.

"Trudes-Trudy. She mentioned you in the letter she wrote-"

"-get rid of it." Jerome cut her off, instructing this sharply.

"How?" Joy questioned after a moment of hesitation.

"However you want-I don't care; just don't let me see it again."

With that, Jerome left the room, heading to his own where Alfie had been sleeping for quite a bit now. Joy set the stone on the table and gave a questioning look towards the others, but they just gave a shrug.

"Well, besides that," Patricia finally said, interrupting the silence, "if you're interested, you can sit in on KT explaining to us why she's here."

"It's true. I'll tell it from the beginning," KT vowed.

And KT owned up to her word. She explained to them how she met Daniel Perry just before the rest of them showed up for their mentoring. And since he knew she was, or at some point, had been very close to Sibuna, KT was the perfect candidate of an ally. Mr. Perry had made it sound so good - being bad, that is. And the perks she'd receive by working alongside him. He made her feel jealousy and resentment for the others, but when Eddie was captured and she spoke to him, she realized that wasn't the person she wanted to be. That wasn't who she was at all, and it was time she made up for her previous actions.

"So, you're back in Sibuna?" Fabian asked after it was all over.

KT took a deep breath and responded, "No...Although, I am on the same side now, I'm not Sibuna member. Not anymore. And that's just the way it is."

"We'll invite you back-" Eddie began.

"-no thanks," KT declined. "It's just...not my territory to barge into. Now, I should get back to the gatehouse, and I'll come up with a cover story for you, Eddie, and Vera." She stood to her feet. "Bye guys."

With that, she left Anubis house. Joy, Fabian, Patricia, and Eddie all rose to their feet and decided they were exhausted enough to go to sleep for the night. Everyone left to their rooms. Well, everyone except Joy. She picked the Dream Stone back up into her hands and fiddled with it for just a bit.

She took a deep breath and decided to head to Jerome and Alfie's room.

Here is a chapter for you lovelies. I hope you enjoyed!

Discussion questions:

Why do you think Jerome really wants to get rid of the Dream Stone?

In your opinion, should KT have re-joined Sibuna?

Till next time, Aristocrats!

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