12 | h e a v e n

48 3 5

Hilo! Last where I left off, I basically almost killed Abigail. And of course, the giraffe jkhull02 already guessed that without even READING the chapter. haha. That was her. Thanks Jaids. So yeah, Abigail's in a critical, comatose state right now. And she thinks she's dead. Isn't that wonderful. By the way, thank my reading teacher for these frequent updates, she lets us type during lunch! So, there's two parts to this chapter, Abigail's part and back at EGAES. I really hope Abigail will stay alive for the Halloween dance, I had big plans for that. So, here is the fabulous chapter 12!

Edit 10.17.16
The A/N at the end of this chapter is even worse.

3 am:

"I came as soon as Lukas told us. Where is she?" Tiberiu burst into the room, for the first time in his life looking worried, bordering on frantic even.

"Over here. I held her down, like you taught me." Maxwell said, standing.

"Let me see." He pushed Maxwell to the side. "When did this happen?"

"She came in here about 2:30 am, so I'd say earliest 2 am." Lukas chipped in.

"That's impossible." Tiberiu said, moving into his medical, blank phase again. "What could cause a...seizure-like effect in an hour?"

"She said she got it from a monster in her dream, but she was just talking gibberish." Lukas added.

"She-what? Maxwell?" Tiberiu questioned.

"I think she wasn't lying. This-this monster, it caused this." Maxwell responded.

"Alright. Allow me to think, one moment." Tiberiu said, closing his eyes. "Okay, I've got it."


2:45 am Earth time

"Hello? Anyone, anywhere?" Abigail called out. "What is this place? I thought when you died, you go to Heaven, or something?" She was in a strange place, the ground like black glass, almost like... obsidian? And there were rivers, though they were glowing, and flowing slowly, the orange-red substance almost oozing. In the distance, there was a large mountain, though it was oozing out the same liquid as the 'rivers.' And she realized that they were not rivers, and a mountain. No, this was a very active volcano, and these were flows of magma. And the sky, oh the sky... there was a beacon of light from the volcano, but the rest was ashen. This... this was no Heaven indeed. Was this what she got for not looking for her friends? Is this... Hell?

"Oh, dear Abigail! I'm sorry Isabella did that! You pushed her, I'm afraid. And you are right. This is no Heaven." A voice said from behind her. A voice that sounded just like-.

"Basia!! Oh my lord! It is you, isn't it?" Abigail said, turning around and embracing her friend.

"Yes, Abigail. It's me. Now come along, we shan't keep the Inquisitor waiting." Basia said, easing out of her embrace and walking towards the volcano.

"Wait-what? Who is-? Never mind. Just how-"

"Am I here? I shall explain later."


4 am

"I've done all I can do. Now we wait, and see if she can fight the effects." Tiberiu said, after washing his hands.

"How's Max? I haven't seen him since we were tossed out." Lukas asked.

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