19 | c h o i c e s

54 3 18

Heyyyyy. How is everyone? Mad at me? You have every right if you are, I suppose. Sorry...? I guess. I dunno, honestly, I just wrote what felt right. I guess the picture is just another Abigail!

Enjoy chapter 19, choices!


8:45 pm
EGAES Throne Room

As Maxwell sat shocked, Abigail disappeared. But he was holding her, how? Her words echoed in his head,we are all faced with an ultimate choice. My time has come, dear Constantine. What did that mean? What did her kiss mean? His heart was pounding. She was gone.

"Max? What are you doing? Where's Abigail?" Lukas asked, running up.

"I...I don't know." He muttered.

"What? You saw her a minute ago! First Fleur, now this?" Lukas asked.

"What happened?" Tiberiu asked, running up.

"Abigail-she's gone. I was just holding her, and she vanished!" Maxwell yelled frantically.

"How?" Linnéa asked, frightened. "Not again. Not again!"

"We need to find her!" Malcolm said.

"Why is this happening. What is happening?" Linnéa asked weakly.

"I don't know. We'll figure this out." Lukas said, trying to stay positive.


8:45 pm

Abigail let out a scream. "Where am I?" She was frantic. One moment she was with Max, the next she was sitting on obsidian in...she gasped. Pyralis. "Isabella! Basia! I'm here!" She shouted. She needed to find her way. She needed to go towards the volcano in the distance. She sat up, nervous. This time, she was alone, and corporeal. She began walking, slipping on the glassy rock. She looked around, scared, and started her trek.


8:00 pm

"Let me g-ahhhhh!" Fleur was cut off by a rain of dirt. She was choking, coughing. When the dirt settled, she opened her eyes. Only to wish she hadn't. She was deep in a forest, not in the room of tubes, not in the Throne Room, not with her friends. She was alone. She decided to try and find a place, safer than the woods. She turned, looking around. She spotted a tree, one she could climb. She rubbed her palms, hoping this would work. She swung herself onto the first branch.


8:50 pm
EGAES Oratories

"Headmistress, there's been another one. During the Ball, Abigail Douglas vanished." Ms. Gwerder said.

"How...how does this keep happening?"

"We don't know, ma'am. Who should we call? The girl's parents?" Another teacher asked.

"No, the same one we called for Fleur will do." The Headmistress said, sighing.


8:55 pm
EGAES Throne Room

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