Damon Imagine ( You get in a fight)

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Damon and you have been having some issues. You where just getting tired of his constant asshole behavior. You just wished sometimes he would actually care about the value of life and not just carelessly go on rampant killing sprees, even when his humanity was on. You knew that him and his brother Stefan had been having fights, but that didn't excuse him having bodies lying around the Mystic Grill due to his meddling. You stomped over to your shared dresser, and angrily started shifting through his clothes, along with some of your clothes when he suddenly bursted into the bedroom. "Uh-oh angry looking girlfriend, angrily shifting through clothes... not good" he said with a tone that made your heart turn into a knot, and your hands start shaking because of the anger that now surged through your body.

"God, why can't you just be serious for two seconds." You said with frustration. Finally choosing a pink shirt with white checkers. You slipped your old shirt off, and slid the new one on. "What do you mean...? I am serious." He said throwing his hands to the side like it was no big deal. You glared at him and shut the heavy oak compartment, saying absolutely nothing, but approaching the door. "Where do you think you're going?" He said with frustration in his voice. "Nowhere that concerns you" you replied harshly. Damon stood there for a few moments just watching you attempt to leave, until the door was half way open. Using his vamp speed, he quickly slammed the door shut, letting his hand remain on the door. Facing the door, you let anger fill your expression.

Quickly turning around, you used your vamp speed against him, throwing him across the room and into a chair that immediately snapped under his pressure. He laid on his back, and groaned in pain. You where shocked, over your actions. Sure, Damon quit often pissed you off, but you never planned on hurting him, even in the slightest way. He got up and dusted himself off. His piercing blue eyes staring into yours. "I don't like the fact that you're mad at me. I don't like when you're mad in general. I know that I can be a bit... unreasonable... sometimes but I do love you. I love you because when you look at me you don't see a monster... you see Damon... just Damon." He said with tears brimming his eyes. You didn't even have to think twice before using your vamp speed- not against him- but to rush into a kiss as you gently caressing the back of his head.

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