He Teases/Flirts with you ( Matt imagine )

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   It had been a hard day at work and you were both mentally and physically exhausted. You could barely finish up another car without feeling like you were about to collapse. Yes, you were a car mechanic, not the most glorious job, but it pays the bills and honestly that's all you cared about. As you lifted up the hood of the last car you were suppose to finish two hours ago your phone buzzed from inside your back pocket. "I can't manage to get anything done!" you said with a laugh, before shutting the hood and leaning against the car, throwing a dirty grease towel over your shoulder. Quickly, you pulled the phone from hiding reading what illuminated on your screen Matt Donovan had called you three times and somehow you managed to miss all three of them. "Whoops" you giggled, hovering your finger over his name to call him back but instead you heard his voice echo in your shop. Your eyes shot up as your eyebrows furrowed.. "Uhm" you questioned, contemplating on if you were going crazy or not, but that was soon denied when Matt appeared from the corner. "Theres my beautiful always busy bestfriend who ignored all of my calls" he smirked with a plastered pouty expression approaching you slowly. "Well some of us have jobs that need all of the attention Mr. Donovan" you shook your head laying your phone on the hood of the car and leaning off of the surface "Unlike you who conveniently has the privilege of having 1940's apple cider bourbon at the tip of your fingers" you laughed while giggling and opening your arms to give him in a hug. His big bear arms wrapped around your neck, and his head rested upon yours. After a few awkward moments of a tight hugging you both released and faced each other. "Besides i could do your job with a breeze ." Matt teased cocking an eyebrow and looking you up and down in a taunting fashion. "OH PLEASE" you laughed so hard your stomach began to ache. "What? Why are you laughing hm?" he said while trying to contain his own laughter. You turned around and grabbed one of the tools you used to unscrew the grease caps that looked exactly like a tiny hammer. "What is this then smart guy?" you smiled, holding the tool up. Matt paused as his eyes went back and forth between you and the tool "Uhh" he laughed nervously "A hammer?" he smiled moving his hand to the back of his neck, feeling embarrassed and stupid. "Sure. We'll go with that. Let's get out of here and go get something to eat because i'm dying of starvation." you said as he turned to be by your side, putting his arm over your shoulder and walking you out.   

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