The Cheater

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Eli's POV

We are still in the gym. Almost everyone has cleared out except us girls and Kane. We all sat in the middle of the ring. I had ran to the library and brought all of the evidence we had gathered over months of investigation.

Kane was looking over it all. He was impressed by how much work we had put in. He finished looking over it and smiled.

"You had only two suspects, you guys were very close. Not to mention that neither of them were Tiffany." Kane observes. We nod in agreement.

"Wait, I thought we had more, how did we narrow it down to only two?" Scarlett asks. I raise my hand.

"It was thanks to Neville. He gave me that idea that the person who cheated was probably intimate with Seth." I explain. They nod. "So, that leaves only two possibilities, Eva and Jessica." I clarify. The girls look at Jessica. She raises her hands innocently.

"Jessica, didn't do it, she doesn't trust Seth. I'm sure it was Eva." Renee assures us. We look to them both in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Tiffany asks. Jessica sighs.

"Seth is had sex with Eva the night we started dating." Jessica looked to Paige, pain showing through both their eyes. Jessica clears her throat. "And don't ask me why, but I feel as though he cheated on me again. He's just been so distant. I hate it." She admits. We all surround her and give her a hug. Jessica didn't deserve this. Kane rolls his eyes and gets up.

"So, have we come to a conclusion?" He asks. We all nod. We were sure that our investigation was over.

"Yes. Eva was the one who cheated." I confirmed. Kane nods and leaves. We look and see Scarlett, looking disappointed. We gather around her.

"What's wrong?" We ask. She shrugs.

"I don't know. Truth be told, I was kind of hoping that it wasn't Eva." She confesses. Jessica pats her on the back.

"Sorry it wasn't me." She teases. Scarlett smiles and nods.

"Don't worry, I think we all need to have a stern talk with Eva Marie." Tiffany says.

"Well, I'm right here, what do you want?" Eva says as she appears from the shadows. We all get up in anger.

"We know it was you." Renee explains. She nods.

"Yes, I suppose I should have pinned it on one of you sooner. Oh well, that's fine, because I know that my status as a student here will be perfectly safe." She mocks. I narrow my eyes.

"How so?" I ask. She laughs.

"I'm fucking half the guys at this place." Eva smirks.

"Yeah, I'm sure of it Eva. I mean at this point you are just a walking Yeast Infection." Jessica insults. Eva shrugs it off and smiles.

"Anything it takes to get ahead." She comments. We roll her eyes. "So no hard feelings, right?" Eva antagonizes. Jessica slides out if the ring and runs at her, but we hold her back. Eva takes this opportunity to slap Jess in the face. I'm tempted to let her go, but I hold onto her. Eva laughs at us all.

"You are all so pathetic. You will never make it in this business because you're not willing to do what you need to to get done." She insults before leaving we all take a deep breath to calm down.

"Well, we're done, so, what do we do now?" Sierra asks. Scarlett chuckles.

"I think no matter what, the Bad Bitches will remain in session." She says. We all laugh and agree before heading out separate ways.

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