Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9:

Alex didn't want to be the worried friend but the note Kelley left her was very vague and scared her honestly. So she waited up for her and as the time got later and later, the more Alex got worried. Eventually around 1 am, Kelley quietly opened the door, secretly hoping Alex was asleep but she was wrong.

"Where were you?!" Alex asked right when the door shut.

"Just with a friend," Kelley responded while taking off her shoes, "How was your date?"

Alex shook her head, "No. Who was this friend? Cause I've only ever seen you hang out with Christen, JJ, me, or Tobs and I know we all had plans tonight so spill."

"I was with..." She then mumbled out the name and Alex asked her to repeat, "I was with Hope. Okay?"

"You know that..."

Kelley cut her off, "She's not bad, Alex!" sighing, she sat down on her bed.

Alex went and sat by her, "I know, but I've heard things from the gals on the team and she has done a lot of people wrong. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't, okay? I can handle myself. But I'm gonna prove that she is actually a good person. Goodnight now." Kelley spat out before hitting the light switch.


As the days passed, Tobin and Alex got closer and closer. They were walking each other to class and going to lunch together. Sometimes Kelley would join them but other times, she would be with Hope or trying to be with Hope who seemed to be shutting her out more and more each time.


Tobin saw Alex talking to Christen and decided to sneak up on her. She motioned for Christen to not say anything and when she was close enough, Tobin wrapped her arms around Alex's waist, placing a light kiss on her neck, "Ready for your game tonight?"

"Yes as long as you are there." Alex smirked knowing it was Tobin.

"Of course I'll be there," she kept an arm around her waist while she moved next to her side, "Wouldn't miss your guys' home opener. But hey I gotta go to class right now. So see you before your game but if I don't good luck!" Tobin gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before darting away.

Christen raised her eye brow, "Are you two dating yet?"

"It's been like four days since our first date so no." Alex replied.

"But seriously like you two look like you've been dating for several months, it's kinda gross." Christen said with a fake gag.

Alex shoved her away, "Not true now come on, we have pregame to get to."


Tobin met up with Kelley at her dorm before heading over to the stadium, "So how are things with Hope? Made any process?"

"No," Kelley snapped before lightening up, "sorry, she's just so-ugh I don't even know."

"You're one determined girl. That's all I gotta say," Tobin laughed.

They eventually reached the stadium with around ten minutes before kick-off but they found a good spot around a midfield.

"Hey guys," JJ said coming over and sitting by them, "I think we all better hope that they win or we are gonna have some angry...crushes I guess. None of us are officially dating."

That got a small laugh out of Kelley but she was still intensely watching Hope warm up. Tobin looked at the program and saw that Alex was starting alongside Christen up top.

"Our girls better score some goals," Tobin smirked while leaning back onto the bleachers behind her.

"Yeah so we could score in bed," JJ added which made Tobin give her a fist pump and Kelley to shake her head, "Just joking, Kelley, me and Christen just started talking again. I don't think either of us want that yet."

"Oh I wasn't joking," Tobin shrugged, "Let's just say that the no sex on the first date rule doesn't apply anymore."

"You. Are. A. Pig." Kelley scoffed while rolling her eyes, "And p.s. I was the one to tell Alex that rule."

Tobin slugged her arm which made Kelley let out a yelp, "Not a pig, I hate you for that rule, and let's just say we have a bet going right now."

JJ sighed and closed her eyes, "I don't even want to know."


The game was a good one. Both sides were equally as physical and had their good opportunities. Carli, a senior on the team, was the first one to find the back of the net but shortly after, a girl from the other team was able to penetrate the back line and fired a shot way past Hope's reach.

Kelley cringed as she watch the ball hit the back of the net and saw Hope's reaction.

The game continued and suddenly, Alex got a breakaway before calming getting around the last defender. Tobin held her breath as she watched her send the ball towards the goal. The ball glided through the air and just past the keeper's fingers.

"YEAH!" Tobin yelled while jumping to her feet and Kelley and JJ followed suit.

JJ turned to Kelley after they sat back down, "I can't tell if she was happy cause Alex scored or if she's happy because it helps her win that bet."


It ended as a 2-1 win and the three of them waited in the stands for a little bit before heading down to meet them outside the locker room. When they got down there, they found Ashlyn waiting too.

"Sup Ashlyn," Tobin said with a slight head nod.

"Hey, good game right? Tell Alex that she played great for me."

"No need," Alex smirked coming out of the locker room, "Thanks though."

She was wearing a pair of soccer pants and a t-shirt with her dripping wet, "Didn't want to dry your hair, Lex?" Tobin joked playing with a strand.

"No cause I have to collect my winnings for our little bet so..." She smirked, grabbing her hand.

Tobin had a stupid smile on her face as Alex started pulling her away from the stadium and eventually they took off running hand in hand.

"What's that about?" Ashlyn asked.

"Sex." They replied at the same time before Kelley added, "Well we think."


"I can't believe I bet this," Tobin said laughing as they continued to jog towards their destination.

"I gave you options but you went with this one and just imagine if I didn't score," she threw a quick wink at her.

That made Tobin pout a little but couldn't keep it for long, "I'll remember not to bet against you ever again. Now where are you taking me on our second date since I lost sadly."

Alex halted to a stop before leaning into Tobin's ear, "My room, more specifically my bed and we are locking Kelley out."

Tobin wasn't sure she was hearing her right, "But I lost, I said you wouldn't score in your first collegiate game."

"Yeah," Alex let her hand trail down Tobin's stomach slowly, "And since I won, I get to pick where our second date is and I pick my bed."

"You sly dog. Kelley's not gonna be happy when she finds out she can't get into her dorm." Tobin tempted, moving her hand around to the small of Alex's back.

"She can stay with Hope." Alex teased before spinning on her heels and heading towards their dorm building, "Coming?"

She smirked and followed closely behind, "You will be soon."

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