Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14:

The night continued but all Kelley wanted to do was sit and talk with Hope. She believe Hope wasn't going to use her but they still haven't talked about either kiss. Hope began to notice Kelley's change of mood and broke away from her conversation with Ashlyn. "Not having a good time?" She teased bumping Kelley with her shoulder but just received a cold glare, "come on the glare's my thing. Wanna go dance?"

"No," Kelley replied which made Hope frown. They stood in silence watching their friends dance and laugh eventually Hope got tired with it, "Let's go back to my dorm."

Kelley chuckled, "Why? So you can fuck and dump me like all your other girls?"

That threw Hope for a loop cause if she remembered correctly, Kelley kissed her first the second time, "No I wanna talk...I wanna talk about us." She knew she said the right thing cause Kelley relaxed and dropped her arms to her side before nodding and letting Hope take her hand leading them out of the house.

It was late so they were alone the entire walk back but none the less held hands the entire way. Ever so often, Hope would squeeze Kelley's hand to reassure her. Once they got back, Kelley asked where Carli was just to start the conversation and Hope was thankful for that because she was never one to discuss feelings especially with someone younger than her and only known for a month or two. Hope sat on the couch offering the spot next to her to Kelley who cautiously took it.

"What are we doing?" Hope sighed, running a hand through her hair in frustration.

Kelley wasn't in the mood, "Talking. What else does it look like?" That pissed off Hope because she knew Kelley was just being a smart ass, "God damn it, Kels! I meant us. Like why did you kiss me?!"

"You kissed me first, Hope Solo, don't put this on me! Why don't you tell me what we are doing?!" She argued making direct eye contact with a tall keeper. Hope held the eye contact, not afraid of backing down from a challenge, "Mine was a dare," she growled through her teeth, "you kissed me all on your own." Kelley couldn't help but laugh at how stupid Hope sounded, "A dare? You kissed me cause you found me the most attractive, you didn't HAVE to kiss me. And you wanna know why I kissed you cause maybe just maybe I thought if I showed you I wanted more you would realize that we can be together." Standing up, Kelley headed towards the door realizing Hope would never change from her old ways, "I'm leaving. I was stupid to think that I had a chance. Alex was right and I'm tired so I'm going home."

"Stop calling me fucking Kels, okay?!"

Hope actually flinched at Kelley's voice, "Kelley, I wanna talk about it. Please calm down. Let's be civil. That's all I'm asking for right now. I like you. I'll admit it. But we need to talk before we go anywhere with this...with whatever this is."

Kelley stood with one hand on the handle before taking a deep breath, "Alright let's talk but tomorrow cause I'm tired and a little tipsy still and I want to be able to focus 100%. I'll be over tomorrow."

"Stay." Hope said quietly moving from her spot on the couch, "it's late and your dorm is all the way across campus."

Contemplating the idea, Kelley try to think of what Hope was trying to do, "Where would I sleep?"

"You could use Carli's bed cause she went home for the weekend can sleep in my bed-" she broke off realizing what she just said, "I mean only if you would want and it's a king so it's big enough but you don't need to of course. I'm guessing Carli wouldn't mind if you slept in her room. It's completely up to you. Or like I could sleep in Carli's room and you could just have my bed. Or I could just walk you home if you really want." Kelley let a smile play on her lips after hearing Hope ramble and weighed her options, "Alright Solo, take a breath. Get me some things to sleep in and we can just use your bed. I wouldn't want to make Carli upset or mad. Thank you for the offer."

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