Chapter 7- Success

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After the confrontation with Lexa, I started to panic. I didn't show it though because in my heart, I was a warrior and warriors don't show their feelings. I worried for Bellamy, he is my brother and he has always protected me since the day I was born. He always said I was his responsibility, but right now, I felt like he was mine. We are siblings. We are unique to everyone else. But I knew in my heart, Bellamy could take care of himself, and hopefully if he got himself into trouble then Clarke could save him.

Hopefully she would chose to safe him, unlike the poor innocent people of TonDC. I still held anger for her, but I've started to come to terms with why she had done it. She did do it to save our people, and most importantly; she did it to save Bellamy.

I hit the nail against the wood as we put up one side of the cabin. Ever since we've gotten back to Mount Weather, I asked to be put on the building team since I wasn't allowed to go out with the lumberjacks under Bellamy's orders. Of course, I was going to go against him but Lincoln pleaded with me that he couldn't lose me to the dangers that roamed out there; not after everything that he has lost.

So I chose the next best thing; hitting nails into the wood. I needed to be able to get my anger out and having a homemade hammer, a couple dozen names and wood were the best I could do. I was being proactive. Getting anger out by picturing the wood was Indra's face and the nail was my knife hitting her repeatedly.

I still haven't gotten over it. I couldn't get over the fact that she stripped me from being second in command. I was angry. I was confused. I couldn't describe my frustration. When she offered me that position, I found myself being wanted for once. I felt like I had a place to be and I was finally making something for myself. Though, because I choose to get my friends and my brother out of Mount Weather, she took that all away from me.

"Love is weakness" I scoffed, as I hit another nail, again, and again, until it was firmly placed in place in the wood.

"The sides are done!" Harris, the lead of our team, shouted. I felt the joy around me. All we had to do now was put the fire pit inside it and finish the roof. Soon, ten people will be able to live in this cabin. Currently, it was being debated as to who should move into it. Should those of higher status move in like the leaders? Should those with children? Should the workers?

By the end of the day, the cabin was done. People ran to check it out, filled with enthusiasm, knowing that we'd be okay for the winter. The cabin was one huge room with one side room. In the big room, there will be 10 cots. In the center of the cabin was a fire pit, allowing the residents to stay warm during the winter and also to cook their own food and dry their clothes. In the small side room was where the bathroom is. There wasn't any plumping or running water yet, but Raven and Wick were working on how they'd get that done. Currently, there was a bucket as the toilet, a water pale, and a very small tub made of stone.

I really do hope Wick and Raven figure out how to get plumbing and water running because I don't want to haul back water in freezing weather.

The only problem with the cabins though were that they had to be build outside the fence. Bellamy and Kane both decided that they won't worry about protection for the cabins until we start moving people in. Until all the cabins are done, there won't be any fence to protect them.

It was nighttime when I returned back to camp from the building site. Lincoln was waiting for me, arms opened waiting to embrace me. I don't know what I'd without him. I never imagined myself being with someone like Lincoln; being with someone at all, actually. I never imagined myself to have a good life. I was brought into this world by accident and I am thankful that things happened the way they should've.

"Hey, warrior" Lincoln whispered into my ear, as I breathed in his scent. He felt like home. Something I craved in my life since forever.

"Hey" I replied, releasing myself from his hug and sitting down to rabbit stew. I took a spoonful and plucked it into my mouth, my taste buds coming back to life. Suddenly, my mind drifted back to earlier today when Lexa came to our camp. "I have a question" I looked at Lincoln.

"If you're going to ask about Lexa's alliance again, my answer is the same: We shouldn't do it"

"But what if there is a threat? Something that threatens my people- our people"

"Like I told Kane, there are myths about destruction happening again, but in reality, I think Lexa just pissed off another tribe. There should be no danger towards us; only Lexa and her people. They only need us for our weapons, but we shouldn't give into it"

As much as I believed in Lincoln's words, I was still worried about our future. Bellamy and Clarke would know what to do it. They always did. They know how to play these games like Lexa. We had to find them.

"We need to find them"


"Bellamy and Clarke. We need them more now than ever. I trust you Lincoln, but they are our leaders and people are going to trust them on their decision. No one is going to trust you, Kane, or anyone else. Too many people trust Clarke and Bellamy's word. If we want to make sure an alliance doesn't happen and that we'll be ready in case of an attack, we're going to need them"

All he did was nod his head and finish his soup, leaving us in a silence that could only be filled with hope. That night, as we started to fall asleep, he whispered into my ear "I packed us up. We'll leave at first light"

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