Chapter 9- Meeting

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We went to meet Lexa three days after her visit. Kane would've taken Octavia and Lincoln with us but they left yesterday morning to go look for Clarke and Bellamy. Since we were deprived of Octavia and Lincoln, I offered to go, even after numerous objections from everyone- especially Wick- I still went. Even though I wasn't a part of the 100, I still knew more about the grounders than everyone else that had any power of authority.

I was there during the war

I was the one bleeding to death in the dropship because of wounds inflicted by Murphy

I saw the 100 fighting back at the grounders

I felt the Mountain Men take bone marrow from me with excoriating pain

I've seen things that will never be forgotten; images imbedded into my head

I saw everything

It only took us about two hours to get to their camp; considering we were walking and not riding horses. When we arrived, you could hardly see the archers in the trees, but we all knew they were there: Waiting to make a kill. I didn't trust Lexa or her alliance at all and according to Kane, neither did Lincoln. But we needed all the information we could get.

We were taken to Lexa's headquarters which was a cellar under a house. From a look around the room, I see outlines of Mount Weather. I saw the dam and the outlines containing the levels of the Mountain. I felt relieved Jasper wasn't here. It was weird to know that this was where Clarke and Lexa came up with their war strategies.

I could just imagine it. Lexa demanding "blood must have blood" and Clarke saying we had to be civil; That we have to save everyone we can. She didn't do that with Finn. She just killed him; not even trying to take a swing at Lexa. I was trying so damn hard to forgive her. She did it for the alliance. But what good was that? What good was Finn's death to us with a broken alliance?

"Our lives" I heard a voice in my head say. It was a familiar voice; which of course was Clarke's. She was "The voice of reason" as everyone would say around camp whenever she'd stop a fight that everyone would regret later on. I try to summon my inner Clarke, but I knew I wasn't good enough to be kind and just like her. I would've killed that son of a bitch Lexa if it were up to me. To hell with her.

"I'm glad you came" Lexa said, sitting on top of her throne; her raccoon looking eyes scanned us as if we were cattle and she was the butcher. Some of our guards shifted uncomfortable in their feet when they saw the amount of grounder warriors surrounding us. We had only ten guards where they had about twenty-five.

"Why so many guards, Lexa?" I asked her, showing my distaste to her

"Do they make you uncomfortable?" She taunted

"No, I just wanted to know why you needed so many people to save your useless life" My fury came in like waves on a sea; one after another and never ending.

"RAVEN" Kane shouted at me. One look from him told me to shut my mouth and never open it again. I was going to get all of us killed. Lexa, however, looked amused while her guards and Indra stood with their hands on their weapons. Indra had that look on her eyes telling me that if we started fighting, I was going to be the first to die.

"I like you, Raven. You're full of fury and aren't afraid to say what's on your mind" She laughed, her eyes gleaming, but suddenly hardening "And that's what's going to get you killed. Your love for that stupid, deranged boy. What was his name?"

"Don't you dare talk about him that way" I growled. She was testing me; slowly breaking down the walls I've placed since that day he died. One by one, she unraveled the cords that kept my hurt and sadness in.

"Oh! I remember!" She yelled with excitement "Finn! That's it. You see Raven; Love. Is. Weakness. Especially if the one you love is dead. It is in the past and you must forget"

She turned towards Kane now, forgetting all about me. I felt like I could breathe a little more when her gaze shifted. She was right though, I would get us killed for someone that was already far beyond any help. "In the present, we are all under severe there from our nuclear foes. Your extensive knowledge on science is well beyond our own and we need you to figure out how we can avoid this whole mess"

"What do we get out of this?" Kane asked

"Well, you won't be blown to pieces in an instant, un-painful way. Instead, you'll suffer an even more painful death if you don't agree to this alliance" Indra spat. Her remark to us was received with a glare from Lexa.

"In return," Lexa started "We will leave you alone and never attack you. We will consider you our allies and people. We will teach you how to fight, build shelters, store food, and prepare for winter in general"

"How do we know you'll keep this alliance? You've betrayed us once; you'd do it again" I rebuttable

"You have to understand that I did what I had to do what was best for my people. I warned you all; especially Clarke, that Love is weakness and alliance that we created was made under love. It was a weak alliance. Now, you ask how you'd know this alliance is true. Bring me Lincoln"

"Commander! Lincoln is a traitor. He has put forth the sky people too many times and abandoned his roots" Indra, spoke in an unpleasant voice.

"Which is why he should be brought here. I will forgive Lincoln's treacheries. Since he is now one of yours, this should seal the alliance, I'd gather?"

"Yes" nodded Kane "How do we know you won't kill him when arrives?"

"Even though his punishment is killable by death and has angered many of my people; his friends and family... I will seal the deal and my promise but giving you a piece of my hair"

That's a bit weird, I thought, but whatever floats her boat.I only remember the exchange of hair when Clarke gave Lexa a piece of Anya's hair.

There was a pregnant pause in the room. "I guess we have a deal" Kane said, breaking the eerie silence. I didn't know how to feel at that time. Was I angry? Happy? Confused? It didn't matter though. A piece of paper listing the agreements was being signed and there was nothing I could do. Kane might trust Lexa on her alliance, but I sure as hell didn't. You can bet your sweet ass that I was going to create a weapon that would get the revenge I craved so much.

You can bet it

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