Nursery Nights

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Note: If you've read this chapter before, read it again, as it has been updated.
Warning: This chapter includes slight AB/DL... Midna seriously just reminds me of a little baby, I couldn't resist!

Part 1

"...By Din, Link... What is all of this?" Midna asks, looking around at his small tree-home. He had cleaned in what looked like the first time.. ever. In addition to that he had lit a few romantic candles and set a table. It almost took a Twilight Princess's breath away, If not for the high-chair sitting next to the table.

"I decided that I wanted to take you to a nice dinner... until I realized that the closest place to eat out was in Hyrule. So, I decorated my home." Link grins dorkishly. Midna could tell something wass up.

"And the highchair?" Midna asks.

"For the baby."

"What baby?"

"This one," Link replies with a stupid grin, lifting Midna up by her armpits. She began to flail in his arms.

"What are you doing? Put me down at once!" She demands, as he carries her over to his bed, laying him down. He removes the Fused Shadow helmet from upon her head, setting it aside, before smiling down at her.

"Since we are going to the Twili realm for the next month, I decided that while I had hands, Id pamper you." He replies with a grin, holding up a small white object that crinkled with every sway. "Literally. You get to be my Baby Imp for the rest of the weekend, wont that be fun?" He smiles. Midna's eyes widen and she begins to flail in the bed, trying every which way to get away from him.

"Link! Get that thing away from me! You will not place that diaper on me!" She squeals to no avail, as he lifts her ankles in one hand with absolute ease. He just as quickly slips the diaper underneath her, spreading her legs as he pulls the front up over her private areas, quickly taping up the diaper.

"Nope!" He says, still grinning like an absolute idiot. "You know... you really are tiny... that's a size 4 baby diaper, Rusl and Uli use that on their baby, and he's like.... 2." He teases, taking a step back, not before slipping the most adorable green little mittens onto her small imp hands. "So you don't get any bright ideas. We are gonna have such a fun weekend baby Midna!"

"And what do you think is going to make me go along with this dumb charade of yours?"Midna asks, crossing her now mittened arms.

"Because if you don't, I wont come to the Twilight Realm with you." He replies, with a bright smirk.

"You're bluffing."

"Nope, now be quiet while Daddy Link makes Baby Midna some numnums." He teases, shutting her up by slipping a small black pacifier into her mouth. He smiled down at her as she pouted.

'You'we just lucky you'we cute." She mutters from behind her pacifier Link merely smiles, lifting Midna up, sitting her on his hip as he walks back to the kitchen, and up to her high-chair. He removed the tray, setting Midna in and buckling her up, before placing the tray down, trapping her in. He then proceeds to place a couple steaming breadsticks onto her tray, removing the mittens and setting them on the table.

"Dinner is almost done, so you eat your breadsticks baby." He smiles, walking into the kitchen to check on the meal in his oven.

"Maybe I don't want to eat, wolf boy." She crosses her arms, taking a small bite out of the breadstick.

"If you don't eat, then you don't get any desert, and I'm going to have to spank you." He replies, pulling a plastic baby bottle out of a bag. This was in fact in the kitchen, in the opposite direction of the way Midna was facing, so she had no idea as he began to fill the bottle up with milk.

"You wouldn't!" She squeaks, worried he actually might. She felt a blush grown on her face, and was happy he couldn't see it. She actually enjoyed this.... Did that make her weird? She actually enjoyed being treated down to. She was a princess, and she had always been looked up to as a higher being.... So why did she enjoy this so much? Link gives no reply, but walks back over to Midna. He smiles as he noticed she was just finishing up the last of her breadsticks. He took a seat next to her high-chair, and without saying a word, slipped the baby bottle in her mouth, holding it in. Midna had a look of anger on her face, trying to speak, but Link refused to move the bottle. She finally gave up, and began to drink, seeing no other option.


"Link!" Midna squeals, as he gets the last of the spaghetti on her face. "You did that on purpose!" she added.

"Did not." He mutters with a smile, taking a quite dirty wet washrag he had used 4 times now and gently using it to wipe the spaghetti sauce off of her face. "You're just a really messy baby, that's all." He grins. She grunts, about to say nothing, but remembers his earlier offer.

"Didn't you say there was dessert?" She asks.

"I did?" He smiles, having prepared her favorite dessert.

"Yeah, you threatened to take it away." Midna pouts, watching Link as he stands up, walking over to the fridge, and pulling out a decently sized slice of double chocolate cake. Her eyes widened as she saw the cake.

"Is that...?"


"For me?"


"GIMME!" She flails, her mouth beginning to drool a bit. She had first tried chocolate cake once when they were visiting Princess Zelda in Hyrule Castle Town. She saw it in a bakers' window and was curious on what it was. Zelda decided to buy her a piece, and... well, after eating the piece, she went on to eat EVERY piece of chocolate cake in the bakery. Suffice to say Zelda's wallet was cleaned out, and that baker would be able to afford anything he wanted for quite awhile. The mere thought of that day made Link laugh as he set the cake on the high-chair tray.

"Now, try not to make a big mess, alright? I just cleaned you up, and if I have to clean you up again, I might as well just give you a bath." He smirks, knowing that hopefully she would have to go to the bathroom by then. He grins as he watches her begin to eat the cake, using her hair as a hand to shovel it into her mouth. "Hey! You know how hard it is to get chocolate out of hair?" He laughs.

"No, would you like to explain the feeling?" She manages to say in between bites. During the same incident, she managed to make everyone's hair and clothes messed with chocolate, except herself somehow. Zelda was mad at her for nearly a week. Link merely sighed and smiled down at her.

"I love you Midna."

"Mmmmph." was her only reply, which was chocolate cake filled mouth for "Love you too." Or "More PLEASE!" Link couldn't really tell the difference.


Author's Note - Hey, this is the full part of the first chapter of Tales from the Twilight Realm. Please please comment. You'd be surprised how happy it makes me to see someone just say, great work. If you have any suggestions, or ideas you'd like to throw at me, feel free to comment or pm me. ;) -Zorath "Ink"

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