chapter one

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       HALEY POV

sleppin then i here "beep beep" i groun. and i hit my alarm. i yell "SCHOOL".and jump out of bed. i really love school. and are mom is the principle so its the best.then my door swings open and theres harry."can you shut the hell up"and i stared then  i walked over to him "aww didnt get your sleppy babe" he was about to say something and i push him out and yell "ASSHOLE go get ready and leave me alone".

Then i get ready for school.i text ana "to:ana, need a ride gurly"im the only one out of the girls who has a car.then she text back and says "from:ana,no my bf is giving me a ride". i look at the txt for awhile then i say "allright and btw i will find out soon who he is hun."i put my phone away and go down stairs. my mom already ready she leaves ealer then us she sistin at the table drinkin tea.she like "hi booboo"thats my nickname ever one calls me that or boo."hey mom"as i say why i get some tea and sit down next to her.she kiss my fore head. then harry walked  in and flicked me mom glares at him."haley i have a favor and i not taking no for a answer"i look at her confused"your taking harry to school"harrys jaw drops and i yell "HELL NO"she glares and i can tell she was mad "fine"and harry stares at me and says "you agreed" dirink my tea i shake my head and put it down"shes my mommy i have to linsen" harry says "fine"

about 10 minutes pass and mom leaves waving we both wave. i glance ar harry and can see he is sad."whats wrong haz" he looks up "why do you care"i look at with eyebrow up"um lets see i love you and your my twin brother"he glares and gets mad "THEN WHY THE DO U ALSO YELL AT ME AND ACTED LIKE YOU HATE ME."I get really pissed and stand up and hit my glass of the table and it shaders all the floor he jumps a little and is shocked i did it.I yell "I ACTED LIKE THAT BECUASE YOU DID SHIT WHEN DAD HIT ME"I start to tear up he just looks at me and walks away.i sit down and cry.then start to pick up the glass.

then 30 minutes past.i get my book bag and put my vans on and walk to the door and yell."harry lets go"then theres knock i open the door and there louis.he just glares at me"um tack a pic it last alot longer hun"and walk out and close the door and go to my car and wait for harry.harry opens the door and smiles at louis. then theres a knock at my window and i scerm.and roll down my window and its my madi she says"can i have a ride" i node she gets in the back. i look at to get him to hurry up and madis like "hell no he's bring louis"i look at her a chuckle she rolles her eyes and he gets in the back looks at her"hey sweet cheecks"she rolls her eys and i glare at him and harry like "hey dont be ganging up on boobear.youll hurt him"i start the car and drive. we get to school and get out everyone staring and jaws were droped. harry like "ok this is wired everyone is staring at us"im like"well maybe cuz you two are preps and were both low ass bulling targets"harry like "no your not haley and madi your both sweet and your my sister"and im like "whtever"madi and louis start to get pissed and both yell "HELL TAKE A FUCK PIC IT LAST LONGER"they smile at echother and give eacgother high fives.

 all four start walkin up to the school. we get in one of harrys friend max is like "why you with the skank"and points at me and i look down harry looks at me and getts mad and gets in max face"what did you call her" he's like "um let me think skank"harry puchs him in his face max fall to the ground and he's holding his face harry gets down and starts hitting more and madi hand over her mouth and i run up to harry pull him off.i grad harrys face to calm him down and im like harry "calm down breath"he does it and see im crying he hug's me "haley i love you" im smile and say "i love you too".

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