chapter 2

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~after the first day of school~

Well today was fun.its firday night and i have a party at zayns house.right now im sittin on my bed with liam niall and louis playing xbox.niall say"how do you keep winning liam."liams llike "well harry txtin and louis in txting and your just bad at this game nialler"they chuckel and niall glares at liam.then theres a knock at the door.we all turned are heads to the door and see haley madi spencer ana and karina.they just look at us.karina bracks the silnce by burping we all chuckle.haleys says why laughing "wow think it came out the wroung end"she turns like "you want something"ana like"ya we do"we take water guns form behind there back spencer points her at liam and shoots niall jumps in front "no liam"he falls to the ground all the boys gasp liam falls to floor and says "o niall stay with me"niall close his eyes and liam fake crys we all laugh naill opens his eyes and gets up and we look at the girls still holding the guns and they step closer and we back up haley yells "SHOOT"they shoot us with water we were shocking. they drop the guns and take oof running.we run after them.we find them shitting on the chouch and put a moving we look at them confused madi like "what we wanted to watch lion king"the boy shurg and look at me i shurged we all sat haley by the arm then me louis niall and karina on the small chouch with madi spencer and liam sat on the floor in front of me.


i look at haley she and niall are asleep.i look at the clock and jump up and scare everyone and im like "CRAP zayns party" the boys got up and i look at the girls and im like "you want to go?"they say yes but haley"um no sorry i hate the poeple you hang with"the girls look at her and give her puppy dog eyes.she looks at them and rolls her eyes"fine im drivin"we all look and louis like "haley your the only one with the car"and she like "ya a car.have fun in the back.we all ran out and haley in front.and drove off.


Well we jsut got to the party not filling good about this at all.lots of poeple from school that talk about me and my friends.but now one is looking at us we get to the door harry opens it we all get in.i look at harry and before he walks off i grad his are and he turns around."harry you better not drink"he looks at me and sighs"ok i want" and like "ok see you in a bit"i turn back to the girls my eyes widen im like "um were did ana go"madi and karina and spencer are all like"idk"we all shurge and walk in fruther.and dance and talk.

~2 HOURS PASS{12A.M.}~

i walking around trying to find a bathroom i open a door my eyes widen and my mouth drops they both turn around "h-haley um its not wut it seems like"zayn looks at ana"ok it does seem like what it is" i snap out of it im like "how long ana"zanys like "1 year"he looks at ana and they both smile.i stand there and think 'well my best firend has been seeing someone we all hate and he's my brothers best friend WOW'ana's like "haley"i look at her and smile"i guess since your happy i want be mad"she runs up and hugs me why were hugging i look at zayne and im like"you hurt her and you want to look in a mirror any more"he looks at me eyes widen and nods really fast.anas chuckles "he want haley he loves me"they look at eachother and he like "ya i really love her alot"and pecks her lips i gag.they look at me.i wave and walk out.

10 minutes pass im looking for harry.i fin him by the chouchs with all his friends.i walk up yes i now a mistack but he is my brother."harry"he turns around drunk as hell i really mad"what do you want fag"i look at him shocked.louis liam and niall behind him and karina madi and spencer behind me both girls and boy shocked to. the reast of his friends laugh at me and max gives high five and says"nice one harry"i get really mad "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY ASSHOLE"he at me with a smirker im mad ass hell.he steps closer so he is in my face "i sied what do you want FAG"now almosy everone at the partty around us music has stoped.i look at were both yelling"YOUR CALLING ME A FAGGET I WASNT THE ONE WHO KISSED THE SAME SEX"he gets mad and slapps me really hard making me fall i look at my eyes water alot of poeple gasp.ana runs up to me.she helps me up still holding my face"YOUR JUST LIKE DAD ABUSED SUN OF BITCH AND YOU WILL NEVER CAHNGE YOU WILL ALSO BE LIKE HIM"he stads there and like"IM NUTHING LIKE ARE DAD"tears rolling down my face"THEN WHY WHEN WE WERE YOUGER AND MOM WAS GONE YOU JUST LET HIM HIT ME AND AND TOLD ME NOT TO TELL BECUASE IF THE EVERY ASKEED YOU WOULD DISAGREE"he's like"HE WAS MY DAD"i look at him and shake my head and one still shocked becuese he hit me and i seid i was abused."YA WELL I WAS YOUR SISTER.YOUT TWIN SISTER.YOU WANT TO NOW ANUTHER THING I HATE YOU AND NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGINE YOUR NOT BROTHER I HATE YOU"Im shakeing.he got sad and looked at me about to say something im like "save it i dont want to hear" and take off running the girls run after me.i just run dont even get my car.i run the girls way behind me.i runright in my house with out closing the door crying go up to my room and slam the door.the girls get there my mom at the door sating"haley what roung the door."i yell not meaning to "JUST LEAVE ME ALNO.EVERYONE HATES ME AND IM NUTHING"my shocked the girls get there and walk up stairs hereing what oi seid.they tell my momto come down stairs.


We get down stairs tell her mom to sit.we tell her the hole store of what happen.she crying.i ask her"can i go upstairs"she shakes her head i get up.before i hear the door open and see all the boys run in besides harry.there mom stands up and looks at the boys i say"were's harry"they look at us liam like"he still there.we couldnt hime to come.he even drank more"there momsat down still crying madi ruding her back.i sigh."well im going to check up on haley"all the boys sat down i went up stairs."haley can i come in"i here her sigh and get upp and unlock the door i open in it and close it behind me.i sit down next to her she still crying i hug here"your mom is down stairs crying"she looks at me"she is"i shake my head.she wipes her tears stands up puts her hand i look at her then her hand.she like"i just going stairs its not like im going to kil you"i smile adn grad it we get down stairs.she runs up to her mom.i stand next to zayn he puts his arm around me and kiss my head the girls and boys look at us and haley smiles.her mom lets go and lookat her check its buresed.zayn like "were datin".

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