Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice (A Niall Horan FanFiction)

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Chapter one:

A combination of vibration and ringing awakens me from a deep slumber. I become especially alert and rustle through the sheets to locate the annoyance that continues to ring. I fiddle with the buttons on my iPhone dismissing the alarm and debating whether or not to get dressed for work. After about five minutes of deliberation. I figure that I better show up to work to keep my business up and running. Yes business. I own a bakery downtown called the Bailey Bakery named after me: Charlotte Bailey or Charlie for short. People say I'm quite young to have a business or own my own bakery, but I have been baking every since I can remember and I happened to come into a large sum of money and decided to open my bakery, that story will come later... Anyways after pulling on a pair of jeans stained with flour from the shop, a white tank, and my pink boots. Next I grab my keys and start my trip to the bakery. I wave hello to my doorman Henry as I glide down the front steps to the apartment building:

"Hello Henry, you doing okay this morning?"

"Yes Miss Charlie, you are looking beautiful is ever," he says with wide eyes and a smirk on his face. I used to think Henry had a little bit of a crush on me, but I soon realized this was his way of trying to butter me up so I would bring him left over cupcakes from the bakery.

"Oh Henry you are just trying to butter me up, so ill give you free cupcakes," I say with a smirk.

Henry looks down with a slight blush on his cheeks. I let out a snicker and respond to his blush," chocolate ganache?"

Henry nods with a smile. I nod in response and continue on my way after bidding Henry farewell and dropping my eye in a wink.

As I walk down the main part of Bee Street I see a throng of people mostly teenage girls.. I cannot see much of anything but my ears hear it all. The girls are screaming and crying, I suspect it's a celebrity of some sort.. It's not uncommon for celebrities to visit our little slice of southern paradise. I shrug it off and continue on my way to the shop. On my way passing the usual vendors including miss Petunia a woman of about 76 years of age who ironically sells flower arrangements. We barter all the time. A dozen strawberry frosted cupcakes for a flower arrangement to set in the window of the bakery. She waves a good morning wave to me and I continue on my way. I stand outside on the sidewalk where I have stood a million times. I look up at the cursive letters that protrude from the canopy over my shop, the words Bailey Bakery in ebony with a rotating cupcake above. I pause to think about how my bakery came to be and how far it has come in the short amount of time in operation. i snap out of my thoughtsI fiddle with my keys for a moment before I am knocked to the hard pavement. I look up in time to see a blonde quiff and hear a "sorry babe. "before i can see the man's face, the mystery man is hurried along surrounded by the throng of crying girls. I pick myself up and brush off and continue the procedure of unlocking my shop and wonder who the heck was that?

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