Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

My eyes widened at the sight in front of my eyes. The throng of girls i saw earlier posed on the corner had flooded the inside of my shop being held back by security for a brown eyed sweet smiling boy,as well as, the blonde quiffed boy who had knocked into me earlier. I recognized them as members of the band One Direction. I think the brown eyed one was Liam and the blonde one was Niall. I had been known to listen to a few one direction songs and they were actually pretty good, I wasn't a crazed fan girl like the ones who invaded my tiny shop, but I knew who they were, and yes I did happen to find them visually pleasing...okay they were pretty cute. I usually avoided confrontation and big crowds. I was unsure what to do, until I heard something fall off the wall. I looked over to see it was my mother's painting of the harbor falling to the floor. I ran over and swiped it from the floor noticing the frame was cracked. This painting was very special to me and what happened next was unexpected:

"Everybody leave now!" I yelled with a voiced that even surprised me. I was upset. I helped the security of the boys usher out the disappointed fans. the boys turned to leave but I assured them it was okay for them to stay, I just didn't want those girls tearing apart my bakery.

"Sorry, we tried to lose them but they followed." Replied Liam.

"It's okay, I'm sorry you guys have to deal with that screaming all the time." I laughed half heartedly.

"Haha you get used to it I guess" he replied rubbing the back of his neck.

"Is your picture okay babe? Niall asked pointing to the cracked frame that clung to my fingertips. I was so entranced by his smooth, Irish voice I almost forgot to respond to his question.

"O-oh y-yeah it's okay I can get another frame." I stumbled over my words.

"Did you paint it?" Liam asked. Pointing the the signature Bailey at the bottom of the canvas, "You're Bailey correct?"

"No actually my mom painted it. Bailey is my last name."

"And your first name is..?" Liam asked.

"Charlotte, but everyone calls me Charlie." I responded with a smile.

"Charlie,"Liam responded and they both extended their hands "nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too...wait it's Liam and Niall correct?" Posing my question.

"Correct. Are you a fan or one direction?" Niall asked raising his eyebrow at me. His blue green eyes sparkled at me with a glint of excitement.

" I've been known to listen to a few songs." I smiled blushing. I actually surprised myself at how calm I was being.

"So this is your bakery huh.?"

"Ummm yeah" I laughed.

"Very cool!"

"So what would you recommend if we wanted some cupcakes?" Asked Liam.

" do you guys feel about red velvet cake?" I received a thumbs up from Liam but an unsure face from Niall.

"What about a classic vanilla with milk chocolate frosting?" Niall nodded his head like a little boy.

"So one red velvet and one vanilla?" I posed.

"That would be lovely babe. Thank you" replied Niall. I blushed at the fact he called me babe, and I think he noticed because he looked down and smiled. I ran to the back and frosted their individual cupcakes, boxed them, and brought them to the front. I noticed Niall peering around break in the wall at the wedding cake I was working on.

"Wow! You made that?" He asked motioning to the wedding cake.

"Yes. I responded

" can I see it closer?"


I led him behind the counter as Liam followed.

"That's pretty cool" Liam reacted.

"Thanks. It s alright I guess." I shrugged. This cake had actually been one of the most difficult wedding cakes I had constructed and I was nervous that it was looking terrible.

"Okay?! "Niall posed, "it's absolutely gorgeous love! Truly magnificent I would love to learn how to do something like that."

I blushed and shied away, "well thank you, I could teach you if you want."

Niall responded with a smile, "that would be really cool actually would you mind?"

"Absolutely not, it would be my pleasure".

After that We talked for a little while about the boys being in town, how they enjoyed our southern oasis, and some good restaurants to try. we talked for a little over an hour before i heard Andrea yell for me to bring Mr. wells order to the front. We walked to the front of the shop towards the counter. I greeted Mr. wells and gave him a sweet smile and accepted his cash. Next I handed the boys their cupcakes.

"How much do we owe babe?" Asked Liam.

"You know what? It's on the house boys. No worries. Just tell everyone my cupcakes are the bomb" I dropped my eye in a wink and they both chuckled.thus making me mentally face palm myself for calling my cupcakes the bomb. I rolled my eyes at myself.

"So about that lesson.." Niall led on.

"Whenever you are free."

"We'll we have tonight off before our concert tomorrow night. Is that too soon?"

"No ill be here all night probably haha"

"Hey, do you mind if we bring the other boys? I kinda want them to meet you." Niall said with sincerity looking into my eyes.

"U-u-uh yes that would be great actually."

I looked at Liam for approval," sounds good to me babe."

Niall pulled out his phone and handed it to me," put your number in and ill text you tonight, yeah?"

"Okay." I quickly typed in my number.

When I handed Niall's phone back to him, our hands brushed it felt like electricity ran through our fingertips. Neither of us pulled away, but stood their and stared in each others eyes.

Our gazing fest was interrupted by Liam clearing his throat. I pulled back and my cheeks blushed red. Niall did the same. I look at Liam he has a mischievous smirk on his face, "okay" he started, " lets go" he pulled Niall out the door, and ," I'll text you later babe" Niall yelled out the door. I chuckled and went back to work. Waiting for the sweet Irish boy to light up my phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2013 ⏰

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