Petal's Escape

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By: Cheerkrazy

Petal's Escape

I knew Elizabeth always had a love for Pegasus and Unicorns.
"What if there WAS such thing!?" she asked herself every night.
And every night, she'd gaze out her window. "What if Pegasus ACTUALLY live in the clouds!? What if they could visit me?! But no one would believe me."
I knew she'd always dreamed of a Pegasus coming down from their home in the clouds just to visit her.
So I did.
I knew that she knew no one believe that she saw a real Pegasus, so I decided she would be my own little secret friend.
And don't think I can't see Elizabeth every night.
Up in the clouds, there's a great view of her bedroom window.
But one problem. How was I going to get down there?
I started to fly over to my mother to ask her.
But why would I do that? This is supposed to be secret. I instantly thought.
After a long, nice sleep, I think I came up with the PERFECT plan.
So I put it in action.
Late at night, when Liz was asleep, I flew down from the clouds.
I flew through the chimney, which led me into their attic.
I quietly stepped down the stairs and tried to find her room.
Stepping into the room, I quietly prance into her room.
She wakes up. She let out a little gasp.
She points. "Whaaat?" She gasps again.
"Pe-pe-pegasus! Am I dreaming?"
I shook my head. "No, Elizabeth." I smile."I'm Petal."
"Well, hello Petal!" she exclaims. "How do you know my name?"
So, I explain the whole thing about the window and the clouds. Blah blah blah you know that stuff.
"But, you can't tell ANYONE!" I say. "I'm your own little "secret friend!!"
I thought that would be better so she wouldn't have to go through no one believing her about me.
So now, ever since that one night, I go visit Elizabeth every night.
She even wrote a story about me!
She just tells everybody I'm not real and it's a made up character.
But we both know I'm real.

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