The Child of Twilight

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By: alycia19

The Child of Twilight

Marie was a pixie with wavy blonde hair, purple eyes, and a pinched face. She was the pixie of the stars. Maria loved to be out during the night time and watch all of the stars paint beautiful pictures across the sky. She painted her dress just like the night: a midnight blue with white dots that made up her favorite constellations. Marie didn't have many friends, but the stars were more than welcome to her. She liked napping through the day, so she could stay awake all night. She watched the stars from a lake, somewhere far off from the pixie castle in the sky. The day came that Maria needed a child. All of the pixies have children to watch over and protect. Maria didn't know what to do. No children like the night, for they think that monsters lurk in its shadowy darkness.
"I need time to find a child," Marie told the pixie queen. She smiled down at Marie.
"You may have more time, but I shall only give you one day." Marie nodded and flew away from Pixie Castle in search of a child like her

Elizabeth was a girl with pale skin, long black hair, and dull gray eyes. Freckles were splattered across her nose. She needed glasses for reading. Elizabeth wasn't very popular in school. She like reading, and her favorite thing to do was get up early to see the sun rise and staying out late to see the sun set. They both had a multitude of colors and shone so brightly that you could go blind from looking at it. Elizabeth was always up at twilight. She especially loved watching the sun set by a lake that always reflected all the beautiful colors. When it was done, she saw the glowing moon in the reflection. Elizabeth loved how she could see the stars beautifully. Sadly, the lake was deep in a forest. Elizabeth barely ever went to it. She longed to back. "Can I go to the lake?" she asked her parents. She asked them every week, and each time they said no. They talked it over. For once they actually said yes.
"We can't go with you, but we trust you," Elizabeth's father smiled as they explained the rules. Elizabeth wondered why her parents let her go. She could get hurt or worse. They really trusted her. Elizabeth left to go and her mother turned to her father.
"Do you really think they'll meet?"
"I know Elizabeth will find her," the father answered. "She has to."

Marie flew around for a long time. She hovered around schools and looked for children. Soon, Maria couldn't hang around schools, for the little kids trapped her in their sweaty palms to show her to their friends. Marie knew she would never find a child. Tears streaming down her face, she quickly flew to the lake that she loved to hang out by. It was almost sun set, and Marie had no one. She sighed sitting by the lake. The sun slowly disappeared in a multitude of colors. "Beautiful," Elizabeth and Marie sighed in unison. Neither of them had realized that the other was there. They both looked at each other and screamed. Elizabeth was wearing her reading glasses, so she could see Marie's details perfectly.
"Who are you?" she stuttered.
"I'm Marie, the pixie of stars."
"I'm Elizabeth, nothing much more."
The two girls started at each other and made small talk. They laughed together and told stories to each other. They found that they both had the same interest.
"You like the stars?" Elizabeth asked.
Marie nodded. "You like sun sets and sun rises?"Marie asked, and Elizabeth nodded.
"The time before a sun rise and after a sunset is just amazing to me," Elizabeth sighed. "I'm watching the sky before the sunrise even starts and after the sun goes down."
Elizabeth looked at Marie. "That's when you come out, isn't it?" Marie nodded. A breeze passed through the clearing, making the flowers dance.
"So you're my guardian of the stars."
"And you're my child of twilight."

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