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By: Parisluv

I walked through the forest, taking my usual shortcut from school to the foster home. Two more years, I had to continue remind myself. Let's just say that I didn't enjoy it there. I stopped when something floated down in front in me. I didn't realize what it was until it touched the ground and I knelt down to it. It was a feather made of platinum. Curious, I reached down and picked it up. I suddenly felt a whirl of energy, the next thing I know I'm encased in darkness.
When I next open my eyes, I'm laying on grass as soft as feathers. The platinum feather still in my hand. The sky above me is the crispest blue I have ever seen, deep sky blue with fluffy white clouds that have a pinkish tint. I sat up and looked around me. The soft grass spread out in all directions, but there were green tree trunks occasionally. No, not tree trunks. As I laid my hand on the green closest to me, I could feel a texture I was so familiar. Flower stems.
"Did I shrink?" I whispered aloud.
"I sure hope not," a voice said behind me, "that means I shrunk too! I don't think I've shrunk..."
I whirled around. A few yards away stood a girl dark skin, golden brown eyes, and tightly curled, dark brown hair that touched her shoulders. She wore a black dress with orange strips; the dress was strapless and had a skirt that resembled flower petals. Around her neck was a small tiger lily on a golden chain. She looked amazing, especially with her wings! She had a pair of bright orange and black wings, completely feathered.
"You-you," I stuttered. "Are those?"
"What?" she asked, confused. "Did I get something on my dress?"
"You have wings!"
"Of course I do."
"What's going on? Where am I? Who are you?"
"Oh, you must be an outsider."
"A what?"
"An outsider. Well it's a long story. Let's start with the basics. You are in Featherella, a wonderfully magical place! I'm Tiger Lily."
"What's Featherella?"
"It's not a what, it's a where. What's your name?"
"Me? Oh, I'm Athena."
"Last name?"
"Don't know it."
"What do you mean? Everyone has a last name."
"I was found outside of the foster home with a note listing my first name and date of birth."
"Interesting. I can also see that you haven't earned your wings."
"I get wings too?!" my eyes widened with surprise.
"Oh yes," her voice was calm and even, but she smile brightly. "You wouldn't have been summoned otherwise. Come with me."
She turned and walked off. I put my feather safely in my book bag and ran off after her.
"Wait!" I said. "I have so many questions!"
"Don't worry, I'll answer them all. First, you should change."
"Why?" I looked down at my boots, jeans, white button up shirt, and navy sweater.
"You aren't wearing what's 'in' around here," she said, I rolled my eyes.
She didn't stop until she arrived at the base of a flower. I finally caught up to her, she was surprisingly fast in her...never mind. She just wore green ribbons that tied up around her legs for clothes.
"This is my mom's shop," Tiger explained. "She'll help you find the perfect outfit."
"How do I...?" I asked looking up at the giant flower.
"Just don't move."
The ground below seemed to turn to gel for a moment, than it was soft as silk. We were being raised up a bright orange tiger lily. I panicked at froze, but Tiger was perfectly calm so I assumed this was normal. For her world anyways. When we reached the top, I gazed out at everything. A variety of lilies, daisies, and daffodils (in supersized form) decorated the meadow. Dozens of other feather winged boys and girls were flying around. I realized that the flowers were homes and shops! None of them in bloom but closed tightly to create a form of a buildingish.
I turned around and saw Tiger's Mom's shop. It was a whitish-pink Regal Lily. Right above where we stood the words Meadow Boutique shone in soft orange. I stared at the amazing flower.
"Are you coming?" Tiger asked, she had pulled aside part of one of the silk petals that seemed to work as a door.
"Yeah, I'm just..." I trailed off.
"I get it."
I walked in behind her and took in the room. The walls were white with soft pink strips up the middle of each petal and pink dots. The floor was soft orange. The petals were lined with clothes and accessories sat on tables about the room. Behind a counter sat a women with fair skin, spring pink eyes, and tightly, curled blondish pink hair in a ponytail. She wore a white and pink dress similar to Tiger's.
"Hello Mom," Tiger called as I walked behind her.
"Tiger, how are you darling?" her mother said affectionately.
"I'm well," she answered, then her mother spotted me.
"I see you met an outsider," Mrs. Lily commented.
"Oh, yes, this is Athena."
"Does Athena have a last name?"
"No, Mrs. Lily," I responded. "At least, I don't know what it is."
"She was left at a foster home with very little information," Tiger explained.
"You poor dear," Mrs. Lily said. "You can call me Regal, no need to be so formal. I'm assuming you're hear for a change of outfit?"
"Um, yes, Regal," I said softly. "I suppose so."
"I figure if she's going to stay here, she should change her outfit," Tiger answered, that sparked my attention.
"Wait, stay?" I said. "You mean, I don't have to go back?"
"If you want to, you-"
"No, I want to stay. Please don't send me back."
"Of course we won't Athena," Regal promised.
I hadn't realized until that moment that I was shaking. Tiger touched my arm and gave me a reassuring smile. I took a deep breath. I just couldn't go back there.
"Let's get you a new outfit," Tiger said.
"First, her wings," Regal said, walking over to us. "Do you have whatever it is that brought you here?"
"What..." I wondered, than realized what she meant. "Oh, yeah I have it."
I pulled out the silver feather from my bag and held it out.
"Oooh!" Tiger said excitedly. "You're a Plume!"
"I'm a what?" I asked, puzzled.
"I'll explain later," she answered.
I watched as Regal took my feather back to her counter. She pulled out a box filled with necklace chains and strings. She motioned me over.
"Choose one," Regal instructed.
I looked down at the collection. I spotted one that was a gentle silver. I plucked it out and handed it to Regal. She placed them both in her hand and closed her fingers over them. A soft light shone and when her hand opened, my platinum feather was laced perfectly onto the silver chain.
"Now what?" I asked.
"Now you get your wings," Regal answered.
She placed the necklace around my neck and I got the strangest sensation. I suddenly felt like I had new muscles.
"Oooohhh!" Tiger said excitedly. "Look."
She pushed a full length mirror in front of me and I looked at my reflection. I was the same old me. Tan skin, gray-blue eyes, and long, straight, black hair in a braid. My outfit was the same, except now I had my necklace and my wings. My wings! They were large white feather wings with a few black markings.
"Interesting," Regal said.
"I can't believe it..." I said, then I realized what Regal had said. "What's so interesting?"
"Oh it's nothing," she said breezily. "Just, I haven't seen a Plume like you in a long time."
I was still curious, but I just dropped it.
"Tiger, why don't you pull the-" Regal began.
"I know exactly what to get!" Tiger said, flying across the room.
In a few minutes I had changed into a gorgeous dress. It was knee length, spaghetti strap, navy blue and orchid dress. The bodice was a simple navy blue and had a silver belt. The skirt was large, alternating navy blue and orchid feathers. I still had on my boots, and I wasn't about to take them off.
"Woah," I said when I looked at my reflection.
"You look gorgeous!" Tiger said excitedly. "Come with me! I'll explain everything to you!"
We rushed outside and she helped me with my first flight. Somehow my body knew automatically what to do. The feeling was exhilarating. I had never felt more alive.
"Come on," Tiger said.
I followed her up and we hovered high up in the sky. I could see the entire meadow of flowers and grass. It was vibrant, colorful, and I could tell that it was as soft as a pillow.
"Ready to hear about Featherella?" she asked, I nodded. "Okay, let me break it down for you. Featherella is divided into 5 Divisions. We're in the Division 2, the Meadow. Here is where Fleurs live."
"People like me and my family, whose powers reside in the flowers. Division 4 is the Forest, home to the Arbre's. Their powers reside in the trees. Division 3 is the Corals, home to the Mer's. Their powers reside in the ocean. Division 1 is the Hibou, home to the Plume's."
"You said I'm a Plume, right?"
"Yes, your powers will reside in birds and the sky."
"We'll go into Plume's more in a second. The last Division, 5, is the Archipelago. Home to the Insecte's, whose powers reside with insects. They are also enemies of Featherella."
"Yes. We are ruled by a royal family, since the beginning of Featherella there has been a family of Plume's. The other divisions send in representatives to discuss the governing of Featherella. The Insecte's grew greedy and angry, they waged war on us all. Before I was born, the royal family disappeared."
"All of them?"
"Oh yes, the Queen and King. According to my mother they were expecting a child."
"Now who rules?"
"The search is still on for them. Until they are found, everyone sends in two representatives. Except for Division 5. They just stay on their islands, away from us."
"So, this is how it's been?"
"For the last 16 years, yes. Come on, let's go practice some magic."
"I-where am I going to stay?"
"With us."
"I wouldn't want to impose."
"Are you kidding? We can work at my Mom's shop, practice magic together! I've always wanted a sister! Now we can be sisters."
"Why are you so nice to me?"
"I'm nice to everyone, but I can tell we're going to get along amazingly well. Not to mention, you have no where else to stay."
I couldn't believe she was being so kind to me. I had never experienced such powerful goodness.
-1 year later-
I've adjusted to life on Featherella. We're unsure of what my exact power is, but I've been able to learn the basics. I work at the store with Tiger and Regal. Tiger's dad, Pan, had no problem with me living with them. They were the closest thing I had to family. Tiger asked me about looking for my family, but I told her how I had accepted not knowing and was content with that.
"Athena!" Tiger said one day, flying into the shop. "Guess what!"
"What?" I asked, laughing as I helped her up. She had crashed into a clothing rack.
"Look what came in the mail!"
She handed me a crisp white envelope. Athena along with the Lily's home address was scrawled in black letters across it.
"What is this?" I asked, bewildered.
"Of course you don't know yet," Tiger said, brushing her curly hair out of her eyes, "I forgot to tell you."
"Tell me what?"
"Every two years there's a ball at the palace. It's for anyone 16 and 17. We're old enough to go! I'm 17 and you're almost 17."
"Why do they have a ball?"
"It's a really old tradition. We finally get to go!"
The evening of the ball we were in Hibou, an old friend of Regal's helped us get ready. Tiger wore a floor length, princess style, orange and black stripped, halter dress. The skirt mimicked petals and flowed effortlessly. Her hair had been tamed into a dutch french braid. I wore a floor length, mermaid style, navy blue and orchid, one shoulder (right) dress; the strap was a giant orchid feather, the bodice was navy blue and shimmered silver in certain lighting, and the skirt was navy blue and orchid feathers. My black hair was in a waterfall braid.
"This is so exciting!" Tiger half squealed as we approached the castle.
It was elegant. The entire palace was carved out of willow wood. Normal sized flowers accented it perfectly. It sat near a gentle stream. There were so many people from all over Featherella. I saw some Arbre, their feathers were lined with different leaves along the top. There were also Mer's, their feathers alternated with scales, it was shockingly beautiful. There were more Fleurs, who had vibrant flowers like Tiger's. There were other Plume's as well, whose wings resembled birds.
"Calm down," I said, smiling brightly.
The ball room was decorated perfectly, clear inspiration from the Divisions of Featherella. Not too long into the dance, Tiger was being lead onto the dance floor. By a Fleur she had been crushing on forever. I stood off to the side, I felt odd. I was pretty new and unfamiliar with anyone outside of the Meadow.
"Are you new?" a male voice asked, I turned towards him.
He had tan skin, dark brown eyes, and blonde hair. His barn owl wings and bronze feather telling me he was a Plume. He wore a simple grey suit.
"Um, sort of," I answered. "I'm Athena, I've lived in Featherella for a year."
"I'm Soren Tyto. How come I haven't seen you around here?"
"I've been living in the Meadow."
"You didn't want to come to Hibou and find you're family? Outsiders typically do."
"I have no idea who they could be, I don't even know my last name."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"That's alright. You didn't know."
"Want to dance?"
"I'm not very good."
"Can't be worse than I am."
I followed him onto the dance floor, we weren't very good. We ended up talking the whole evening. Things were good, I was content. Until everything went south. Insecte attacked the ball. Their wings were transparent feathers. Their leader, a woman named Chrisa, gave a long speech about all of the hardships her people have been through. When in reality, they actually lived a life comparable with anyone else on Featherella. She left us with her guards and went to another room in the palace.
"What's that?" I whispered to Soren, we had been joined by Tiger and Snap.
"What?" he whispered back.
"That," I pointed to a large painting of two Plumes in royal blue outfits with white and black marked wings.
"The King and Queen who disappeared. You know, you kind of look like the queen."
"No, she's beautiful."
"So are you."
I blushed and looked back to the painting. The moonlight caught the edge of the picture and I saw something. I made sure no one was looking and did a simple levitation spell. I grasped the small piece of paper. I saw it when I noticed a portion of the silver frame wasn't reflecting the light like it should have.
"What's that?" Tiger whispered.
"Paper," Snap whispered.
"Thanks Captain Obvious," I muttered.
I unfolded the power and found myself face to face with a map of the palace. It had a route mapped out.
"What do you think this leads to?" Soren whispered.
"I don't know," I answered. "But that's a secret passage, and maybe a way to go and get some help."
"What do we do?" Tiger whispered.
"A couple of us should stay here," I whispered, "the other two follow the passage and get some help."
"Oh, let Tiger and I stay," Snap whispered. "I've got an idea for a distraction."
I shrugged, figuring it was easier not to argue. Soon, all of the Insecte's were going crazy. Tiger Lilies and snap dragons were popping up everywhere. Causing their natural instincts to kick in. Soren and I slipped away and into the passage. We followed the twisting, winding path. We soon found ourselves in a tall round room that held a normal sized willow tree. There were crystals hanging from the branches instead of leaves.
"What is this place?" Soren whispered.
"I-I don't know," I whispered.
I unconsciously approached the tree. Something was calling me towards it. When I reached the trunk, I laid my hand over it. The entire room filled with a blinding white light, I had to shade my eyes. When it faded and I opened them again, Soren and I were back in the ball room. I lost my balance, a bit disoriented.
"You okay?" Soren asked, steadying me.
"Yeah, thanks," I answered.
"It's impossible!" Chrisa yelled, she had returned as well.
I turned and saw the kind and queen. Physically right in front of me. Alive and well.
"Chrisa!" the king growled.
"Only royal blood could undo that spell!" Chrisa yelled.
"Come here," Soren whispered, pulling me to the side.
"I won't let you return and ruin my plans!" Chrisa growled.
"And we won't let you return at all!" the queen said.
The king and queen combined their magic and blasted it into Chrisa's. Chrisa attempted to fight back, but she wasn't strong enough to stop their combined power. She soon called a retreat. Everyone at the ball was in shock. The leader of the guards and the representatives came rushing in.
"Where is she?" the queen was hurriedly asking. "Where's my baby girl?"
They all exchanged looks and the guard led the king and queen away. They sent everyone home, well almost everyone. It didn't take long for Tiger and Snap to find us. We were about to leave when the female representative from Hibou stopped us.
"Which one of you released King Caiden and Queen Stella?" she asked, although she was watching me closely.
"Athena," Soren answered.
"I just touched the tree," I answered with a shrug.
"All of you, this way," she said.
I held Soren's hand and we all followed her up through the castle, She left Soren, Tiger, and Snap in a sitting room. She took me into a small room with a desk and books.
"Athena, I need to speak with you," she said.
"Okay, Mrs....?" I said.
"Call me Egglentine. Athena, what is your full name?"
"I don't know, nobody does."
"How long have you been in Featherella?"
"About a year."
"How old are you?"
"I'm nearly 17. What is this about?"
"Just, one more question. What is your power?"
"I don't know."
"A lot of mystery about you, isn't there?"
"Kind of."
"Come with me and I promise everything will become clear."
She left the other three in the sitting room and lead me to a round room. King Caiden and Queen Stella were there as well. They sat me across from them.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"We explained to King Caiden and Queen Stella what had happened since their last memories," Egglentine explained. "Now we have some information to further explain."
"What is it?" King Caiden asked.
I observed him and the queen. He had fair skin, electric blue eyes, and black hair with white tips. She had tan skin, grey eyes, and long black hair.
"Athena," Egglentine answered,
Queen Stella's tear filled eyes perked up.
"What about me?" I asked, the king and queen trained their eyes on me. "What?"
"Athena, I have some information on the blanks of who you are," Egglentine answered. "Your name is Athena Sage, you are the princess of Featherella."
"I'm what?" I gasped.
"You're my daughter?" the queen cried.
I turned and looked at her. Tears stained her cheeks.
"How did I end up in a foster home on Earth?" I asked.
"Someone probably sent you there when Chrisa was rising in power," Egglentine explained. "They likely saved your life."
The queen, my mother, reached out her hand and touched my cheek. I didn't pull away. Her touch felt warm and loving, it felt right. She pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back. I hadn't realized until that moment how badly I had wanted to find my parents. I soon felt the king's, my fathers, hand on my hair. I couldn't handle it anymore. I broke down. After a while, I was able to compose myself. Eventually, we had to separate.
"Don't worry," Egglentine promised. "We'll get this all worked out. Soon you three can spend all the time you want together."
I went back to Soren, Tiger, and Snap.
"What's wrong?" Soren asked, noticing my puffy red eyes.
"Nothing," I answered. "Nothing is wrong. I found my parents?"
"Who?" Tiger asked.
"King Caiden and Queen Stellla," I breathed back.
"Seriously?" she asked, I nodded.
I explained it all to them. A lot still had to happen and I definitely would need to adjust. But I was just happy to finally have so many questions answered.

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