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By: parisluv


I hear the moon calling my name
I see the stars coming out to play
The breeze brushes across my face
and I yearn to be free

I'm stuck in here, all alone
no where to run, no where to go
I want to be free,
but I must stay

Should I fly
like the birds in the sky?
Or should I stay here
locked up inside?
I don't know what to do anymore
My heart is torn

There's a world out there
Unknown and free
So much to learn,
So much to see
But my place is here
This is home
I'm suppose to belong
But I just feel alone

If I fly,
will I fall?
So should I stay here,
trapped inside of these walls?
What do I do?
My heart says fly

It's my time,
Time to break free
From this world
That has trapped me
No more walls
No more pain
No more loneliness
It's time to breakaway

I'm ready to fly
I'm ready to spread my wings
and touch the sky
It's time to take flight
I don't know where to,
But I'll figure it out
If you just let me go
I'm here and I'm ready to fly

The Writer's Games 2014: Mission #8 EntriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon