You've Got the Wrong Girl

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By: parisluv

You've Got the Wrong Girl
I walked home from school down the winding streets of Crystalia. Everyone in the kingdom was celebrating because the Royal Adviser had just announced that he had located the lost princess. When our kingdom was at war with our neighboring kingdom, Kriak, the Royal Family was lost. The King died in battle and the Queen sent her only child, a baby girl, to a secret unknown location. Fearing for the babies life. The Queen herself than went to a far off place for her own protection, against her will. Nobody knew of her location, which may have been bad on our part. You see, now we were also having difficulty finding Queen Jayda. It's not like Mageia is a very small planet, and it can be a little difficult to communicate with far kingdoms.
"Amaryllis, wait!" my best friend, Chrysa, called to me.
I turned to face her. Chrysa had gentle green eyes, fair skin, and honey blonde, loose curled, medium length hair that fell gracefully down her willowy build. She wore her school uniform: a white, long sleeve button up shirt, a blue, knee length skirt, black flats, a grey sweater vest, and a teal tie. Chrysa was soft and elegant, I'm not so soft.
I have sharp teal eyes, tan skin, and jet black, unevenly layered, straight, long hair with teal streaks that laid against my lean build. I wore my school uniform: a white button up, a blue, mid-thigh length skirt, black, knee length leggings, grey ankle boots, my black leather jacket, and a teal tie. I have a harder exterior, but really I'm just a girl-next-door kind of girl.
"Come on, Chrysa," I said as she raced to catch up to me. "I thought you had some date after school today?"
"No, that guy's a jerk," Chrysa replied in her light voice. "Have you heard who the Princess is?"
"No, have you?"
"Not yet. Perhaps Ms. Ameia will know."
"I guess we'll see when we get home."
Ms. Ameia is our 'house mother' at the orphanage. Did I forget to mention that? Yup, Chrysa and I are orphans. We live in Last Hope Orphanage with Ms. Ameia and a few other girls. Most of us our teens because the older you get, the harder it is to be adopted. I had been in and out of several foster homes until I was ten, then I went to Last Hope. It wasn't that I was a bad kid, it's that I was either put with people who didn't take care of me or they already had kids who were mean to me. I didn't care, I gave up on finding a family many years ago. Now, I was just going to focus on graduation in a few months and moving on with my life. I don't know how Chrysa ended up at Last Hope, she was any parents perfect child.
We turned the corner spotted the orphanage at the end of the court. It was white with a grey roof, door, and window panes. It was two stories and had ten bedrooms, I could spot mine and Chrysa's from the end of the street. Second window on the right. The orphanage was bordered by an elegant iron fence and gate with an arched sign that said 'Last Hope Orphanage'.
"Race you!" Chrysa said, running ahead of me. We hadn't raced since we were kids, it seemed childish. But I ran anyways.
I caught up to Chrysa with ease, I was a fast runner. We got to the gate and she frowned at me.
"How come you always win?" she asked.
"Because I'm a fast runner," I answered. "Come on, let's go inside."
When we got into the house, all of the other girls were already there. Ms. Ameia had set out some snacks for us, but I didn't see her in the kitchen or living room. So, Chrysa and I headed up to our room. We had a pretty small room that we had divided down the center.
Chrysa's side had green walls with pink flower decorations around her shelves and photos. Her bedding was baby pink with a rose petal design on the comforter. Her dresser held her many books and notebooks on top with a vase of fresh roses.
My side of the room had lavender walls decorated with a few paintings and photos. My bed had teal bedding, the comforter having a wave design. My shelves and dresser held my art supplies and a few books, decorated with sea shells.
I dropped my school bag on my bed and headed downstairs with Chrysa.
"Where's Ms. Ameia?" I asked Flora, a perky girl who was a little on the ditzy side.
"Hey Chrysa, hi Amaryllis," Flora responded brightly. "Ms. Ameia is in her office with some people who looked important."
"Thanks Flora."
Chrysa and I sat at the kitchen table and had a few snacks while we talked about school.
"Did you hear that Jas and Dan are finally together?" Chrysa asked.
"We both know I'm not plugged into the social scene like you are," I pointed out.
"I still don't see how there are some things you don't hear about. It's not like we have a huge school, we have barely 300 students."
"I'm too busy to be gossiping."
"Amaryllis?" Ms. Ameia said, stepping into the kitchen.
"Hello Ms. Ameia," I warmly.
"Thanks for the snacks," Chrysa said sweetly.
"You're welcome girls," Ms. Ameia said kindly. "Amaryllis, could you please come to my office?"
"Sure," I said.
I looked at Chrysa, she just shrugged. I followed Ms. Ameia to her office, well not just me. I knew that the other girls would follow and listen in outside of the office door. When I went inside, I found two men and a woman waiting inside.
"This is Kari, she is here with for you," Ms. Ameia explained. "Kari, this is Amaryllis."
"Nice to meet you," I said. "What news do you have?"
"Hmm," Kari said.
She walked around me, seemingly analyzing me with her bright amber eyes. Kari seemed to be sort of sizing me up, I didn't know what she was expecting to see. Most of the kids at school were intimidated by my height and lean build, I'm not exactly a warm and fuzzy pillow. I studied her with my sharp teal eyes, I couldn't read her expression.
"I'm glad we've finally tracked you down, my brother will be pleased," Kari said brightly.
"Tracked me down?" I questioned.
"Amaryllis, I have some important news for you! You are the Lost Princess of Crystalia!"
I gasped and I heard all of the other girls gasp.
"That's not possible," I breathed.
"It is quiet possible," Kari insisted. "Not only did we track you through every house and orphanage you've ever lived in, but you look exactly like Queen Jayda. Well, except for the teal streaks."
"No way, you've got the wrong girl! I'm not a princess! I like swimming, surfing, running, horseback riding, and listening to rock music. Does that sound like a princess?"
"A princess is a princess."
"I don't believe you."
"Then come with me to the palace, my brother will convince you."
"I'm not going."
"Amaryllis, please, you-"
"How about you take Chrysa with you?" Ms. Ameia suggested.
"Chrysa?" Kari questioned.
"Her and Amaryllis are best friends," Ms. Ameia explained.
"Well?" Kari turned to me.
"Fine," I grumbled.
"Lovely, now go and pack."
"I'm not staying forever."
"At least pack for a few days while we discuss everything with you."
I walked out and into the hall, the other girls stared at me.
"They've got the wrong girl," I insisted. "Come on, Chrysa."
I took her hand and dragged her to our room. We quietly packed a few things up and headed back down stairs. Kari and her guards were outside waiting in a silver carriage. Ms. Ameia had a few tears in her eyes.
"Now you girls be good and be careful," Ms. Ameia said, hugging us each in turn. "Come home whenever you want, your room will always be here."
"See you in a few days, Ms. Ameia," I said, Chrysa just nodded.
We rode in the silver carriage down the winding streets of Crystalia. Chrysa finally found her voice about half way there.
"Oh my gosh!" she breathed. "I can't believe you're the Lost Princess! This is so amazing! My best friend is the Lost Princess!"
"Chrysa, they've got the wrong girl," I said plainly.
"We'll see when we get to the palace," Kari muttered to herself.
Once we arrived, we took in the beauty of the castle. Vines of roses curled up and down the walls of the grey stone palace, creating a peaceful feeling. A large lake with paddling ducks and ducklings sat in the middle of the courtyard, surrounded by willow trees. The castle was tall and elegant with a royal glow about it.
The horses trotted in front of the steps leading up to the large arched doorway. Chrysa and I grabbed our bags and stepped down from the carriage right behind Kari and her guards. Our footsteps echoed around the courtyard, ricocheting off the stone steps and walls. We entered through the large doorway and into the foyer.
Marble floors glowed in the crystal light, crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Tapestries hung from the walls, depicting Crystalia's history. Winding staircases climbed up and down from the ends of the room, leading to somewhere.
"This way," Kari instructed us to follow her through the maze of rooms and hallways.
She led us to what had to be the throne room. A large, empty room with a set of silver thrones in the back, set in front of teal curtains.
"Sister," a man a bit older than Kari said, approaching her as we reached the stairs to the thrones. "Is this -?"
I could tell he was looking at me.
"Brother, this is Amaryllis," Kari introduced me. "She is the Lost Princess. Oh, and this is her friend, Chrysa."
"You have brought little with you," he pointed out.
"I'm not staying," I said simply.
"Not staying?" he repeated.
"Magma, Amaryllis believes we have the wrong girl," Kari said.
"Prove to me that I am the princess, otherwise I don't believe you," I said stubbornly.
"I can not prove it to you," Magma explained.
"But, brother-" Kari started.
"The only way to prove it to you," Magma cut her off, "is to find Queen Jayda. Who I am still unable to locate."
"Then let me find her!" I insisted.
"Amaryllis, that could be dangerous," Chrysa said gently.
"That's the only way to know the truth, so I'm going to find her," I said stubbornly.
"How do you plan to do that?" a boy walked out from behind the throne. He had sparkling black eyes, brown hair, and dark skin. His brown hair was in an ivy league style, he had a strong build. He stood casually in blue jeans, black tennis shoes, and a black shirt.
"Galax, my son," Magma said plainly, "what are you doing in here?"
"Came to meet the new princess, Dad," Galax said, walking up (down? Whatever.) to me. "Nice to meet you, Amaryllis."
"Pleasure," I replied darkly. "Come to help me find the queen?"
"Sure, why not? How do you plan to do it?"
"I'll figure it out."
"Fine, you have one week," Magma said. "Chrysa and Galax will help you. If you can't find her, you accept your role as princess."
"Fine, but if I do and I'm not the princess, you leave me alone," I responded.
The three of us got to work. We checked old books, any possible witnesses, and historical records. It took a while, but I finally pieced together the answer. I knew where we had to go, but the journey wouldn't be easy. We had to travel by boat through the Obsidian Crystal sea.
We faced awful weather and a few monsters, our worst test was with the Tourma. The Tourma was an ancient sea monster who blended in with the dark waters with his jet black scales. He was a long serpent that could wrap around a boat five times with ease. He had a mouth of razor sharp teeth with stone cold eyes. He decided one foggy evening that he wanted a snack...
Our boat drifted through the waters, we were close to being across. Suddenly, a thick blanket of fog rolled in. We had to stop. The moonlight tried to pierce the veil, but it did little to help us see. Chrysa, Galax, and I stood on the dock in the chilly evening, I pulled my black jacket tight around me.
"How much longer until we reach Nymphai?" Chrysa asked.
"If the fog clears up, we'll be there tomorrow," Galax answered.
"Good, because I'm done with this sea," I grumbled.
"Not having fun?" Galax teased, I stared at him darkly.
I had learned to like Galax, which isn't easy. He's not really a bad guy, just so annoying. He always says what's on his mind and he always teases me about being a princess! However, he is also very caring and passionate with a gentle heart. What? I do not like him! That's preposterous, right?
Suddenly, our boat was shaken and we went sliding.
"What was that?" Chrysa yelled.
"I think we're about to find out," I replied.
A screeching roar sounded through the dense fog, muffled slightly by the cloudy mist. I looked around, but I couldn't see a thing. Suddenly, something jet black was shooting towards me.
"Amaryllis!" Galax yelled, jumping in front of me and creating a pitch black, glittering shield. "Are you alright?"
"I'm good, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked.
"Let's go. Chrysa, don't let the boat fall apart!"
"Got it!" she yelled.
She created a fine layer of apple green chrysoprase along a break on the railing. What? Did I forget to mention that all Crystalian's have a specific crystal that they can grow, shape and form? You know now.
"Come on Amaryllis!" Galax yelled.
"I'm coming, I'm coming," I responded.
Galax and I had fought enough monsters over the last couple of days that we could work in harmony without even speaking. It was like we could read each others minds. He flipped through the air and created jagged galaxyite along the Tourma's back. The creature cried out in pain as the galaxyite punctured his thick scales. My turn. As Galax landed beside me, I jumped from the railing. I landed on the face of the Tourma and shot thick cuts of amazonite into his mouth. I flipped from his head and landed hard on the deck, it wasn't very comfortable.
"Amaryllis!" Chrysa called, running to my side.
The Tourma made a pathetic roaring sound before shooting away from us.
"Are you alright?" Galax asked.
"I think so," I said, standing up. "Ow! Not okay!"
When I put pressure on my right foot, it felt like I was being jabbed a hundred times. I lifted my foot from the ground.
"What is it?" Galax asked, concern in his voice.
"I think I broke my leg," I replied, brushing a teal strand of hair from my face.
"Let's get you to the infirmary," Galax said, putting my arm over his shoulders to help me walk.
"I'll assess the damage with the captain," Chrysa said, heading up to the wheel where the captain was trying to steer the ship.
Galax helped me down to where our on board doctor was located.
"Broken?" I asked after he had looked over my leg.
"Most definitely," he decided.
He created a thin turquoise cast around the lower half of my right leg and my right foot. It was actually very light and comfortable.
"I'll go and grab something for the pain," the doctor said, leaving Galax and I alone.
"You sure you're alright?" Galax asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay," I answered, twirling a teal and black strand of my hair.
"I've been meaning to ask you..."
"Well, why did you dye your hair teal?"
"I didn't."
"What? But you have those teal streaks?"
"These? I was born with them. I've had them my entire life."
"Here you are," the doctor said, returning and handing me some herbs. "Go and have some tea with these herbs mixed in, you'll feel better in no time."
Galax made me a set of galaxyite crutches to use until my leg was healed since we didn't have any crutches.
The following evening we reached Nymphai. From there, we made the short trip to a cottage in the middle of the woods. It was a simple cottage with roses, lilac, lavender, honeysuckle, and chamomile growing all around it. You could tell it was old, but well kept. I knocked on the door and a fair skinned woman with teal eyes, a tall but elegant build, and straight, jet black hair answered the door.
"Um, Queen Jayda?" I said tentatively.
She looked us over and I could almost see the memories playing back in her mind. She let out a deep gasp and tears stung her eyes.
"My sweet little girl," she said gently.
-Four days later-
The throne room was filled with citizens from all over Crystalia. I wore a teal, mermaid style, tank top gown with silver bracelets and a silver necklace. My leg was all healed up. Queen Jayda had returned and they were welcoming back her and the return of the Lost Princess. Magma stood in front of the thrones and called them up.
"Queen Jayda!" Magma called out.
She stepped up the stairs and sat in her silver throne as the citizens applauded and cheered for their queen. She wore a bright green, empire waist, strapless gown and jewels adorned her wrists and neck. A silver crown was placed on her head.
"Princess Chrysa!" Magma announced.
Chrysa stepped up to her throne in her mint green, princess style, spaghetti strap gown. Jewels glittered from her wrists and neck as a silver tiara was placed on her head.
What? You seriously thought she was talking to me? Oh no, I told them they had the wrong girl. Queen Jayda explained everything to us, or should I say Aunt Jayda? Turns out that Chrysa and I our cousins, our moms were sisters. According to Jayda, my father had also died in the battle and my mother had died when the castle was invaded just days after we were sent to orphanages. Chrysa and I knew we had the same birthday, we just didn't realize we were related. Turns out that our mothers sent us to separate orphanages the day after we were born for our protection. Jayda had erased her memories for the protection of Chrysa and I when she left, she knew she had to protect us.
"You alright, Amaryllis?" Galax asked me softly.
He was wearing a black suit with a teal rose boutonniere.
"I'm fine, why?" I replied.
"Well, I mean," he seemed a little awkward, "you just found out neither of your parents are alive."
"Oh, don't worry about that. I never knew them, I accepted them being dead many years ago."
Before anyone else could say anything, karibibite exploded all around the room. It came from Kari. She stood at the entrance, panting angrily.
"Kari!" Magma yelled.
"How could you?!" she yelled, I realized she meant me. I stepped in front of Chrysa.
"Kari, what are you doing?" I said gently.
"I knew it was little Chrysa all along, but I never thought you'd find Jayda! That's why I said it was you, you didn't look like you could handle running a kingdom very well and I thought that the queen was dead! I thought I had it all worked out. The war would be reignited, and you would fail to save us. Than, the kingdom would be mine for the taking!"
"You've gone mad."
"Mad?! You're the one who's mad!"
"Right, so are you going to give up now?"
"You'll never beat me! I'm stronger than any of you!"
"Give it a rest."
Galax and I both created a sphere of crystal around her that she was encased in like ice. It was an odd mix of galaxyite and amazonite, but it was strangely beautiful.
"Guards, take her away," Queen Jayda ordered.
"Well, we got rid of her quickly enough," I commented.
"Good thing to, couldn't have her getting rid of you," Galax said.
"Oh? Why's that?"
"Because than who would I annoy?"
"Why can't you-"
"I also couldn't do this."
He kissed me. It was amazing and magical, he was amazing. I could hear all of the citizens saying "Awww" and clapping for us. I pulled back and turned crimson. Galax just smiled at me.
"It's about time," Chrysa sighed.
"You know, I'm kind of glad they got the wrong girl," Galax said softly.
"Me too," I said gently, taking his hand in mine.
~The End~

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