Theory #14

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Ummmm I'm like really thinking its Zayday. You know how Jennifer the candle Vlogger died ( ik I'm still upset about it RIP Jennifer😢)  anyway before she died zayday told her that she would get revenge on all rich girls everywhere well the Chanel's are all pretty little rich girls (minus number 6) and that would make sense why the Dickie dollar scholars and kappas are being picked off. One. By. One. So yeah that happened also it would make so much sense that she then killed Jennifer after Jennifer told Denise what happened. I'm starting to feel very suspicious about Zayday Williams !

Thanks for reading guys stay tuned just finished watching "ghost stories" so theories will be posted tonight and tomorrow morning okay? Okay. ( sorry had to skip that tfios reference in there) peace out and stay awesome😘😜🤓🤗 ✌🏻️😎✌🏻️

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