Chapter Nine

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Quick authors note: I apologize beforehand for this chapter, Zoe is telling her past story. Suicidal thoughts are brough up and I apologize if it hurts any of you, her story had to be told. Love you guys*kisses*

Zayn's POV

I saw her. I watched as the waves rolled right over her and I screamed out her name.

Fuck she was not coming up yet.

I rushed over to where she was gulping st the ocean. Man I hated water.

"For Zoe." I said quietly and shook my head as I rushed into the water after her.

Oh my gosh. I was going to die.

I was sure of it.

But then I found her. She popped up choking snd I grabbed her body up and into my arms cradling her against me as she choked on the water.

"That wasn't embarrassing." She choked out and I rushed us out of the water.

"Never again will I go into the water ohmygosh." I said and she looked at me with a questionable look.

"Why are you here?" She asked quietly.

I looked at her and sighed before putting her in the ground in front of me.

"Because I owe you an appolgy for being so rude after that happened."

"I was afriad you didn't like me anymore."

"I could never not like you." I admitted and she blushed.

"You owe me some warm liquids, lets go." I said playfully and she smiled and we walked up to her house.

"Mom and dad are gone for a few days, family thing I guess." She shrugged. Well I wouldn't have to see her dad at least.

"What about Micheal?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Niall picked him up apparently." She said looking at her phone and putting it down. We got to the kitchen and she made me some hot cocoa really quick.

I followed her upstairs, letting my drink cool down on the counter in the kitchen and

"Make yourself at home." She said and went to her closet pulling out some stuff.

I looked around. She was so adorable. She had a mini brown couch in the corner of her room and her bed by the window. She had a desk on the opposite wall of the couch pilled with pictures of her and Micheal together in London.

She came out of her bathroom wearing a pair of black leggings and a dark blue sweater. I didnt have a change of clothes so she gave me some of Micheal's which was awkward.

She grabbed a white blanket and curled up on her little couch patting down on the cusion inviting me over to sit with her.

Her sleeves moved up her arm a little and I noticed for the first time, long scars from cuts sll over her wrists. I felt myself frown and felt tears begin to build up trying to not imagine her doing that to herself.

"I'm sorry." I whispered into her ear.

"You have nothing to appolgize for." She whispered back.

"No I'm sorry for not meeting you earlier and preventing this." I said and ran my finger over the old scars.

She looked at me and I sucked in a deep breath.

"Is this what happened when you moved?" I asked carefully. "You don't have to answer if you don't want."

She sighed lightly. "Yeah it happened after we moved." She said and sighed. "I was really upset about the move, and it changed me a lot. I was in a bad state and I don't know why." She said and got reslly tense. I looked into her eyes got a second but she looked away and began tearing up. "I used to cut and hide the cuts, it went on half a year before Micheal walked in on me cutting my wrist." She sobbed. "He screamed so loud I had never heard anything like it before, he was screaming and crying and my parents found me and blamed themselves for what happened. It was a huge mess. I was so lost, and lately those thoughtsbare coming back and I just...Micheal and I talked about it today."

I pulled her closer and she burried her head in my chest sobbing at the horrid memory.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered as she cried against me. I felt my own tears begin to fall as I tried to erase the horror from my mind, but it wasn't possible.

"That won't happen as long as I'm here." I whispered in her ear.

"I am not happy anymore." She sighed and looked at the ground.

"Then let me be your happiness...let me be everything you need, I will not leave again Zoe I'm here from now and on." I said to her and she looked back at me.

"This is crazy." She shook her head.

"Maybe you need to be a little crazy for everything to work out." I suggested and she looked at me with a smile on her face.

"Maybe." She shrugged and sighed. I rubbed her tears off her face with my thumb and caressed her cheek. She leaned into it with a small smile.

And that was when I realized things would never be the same again.

Micheal's POV

I felt bad for leaving Zoe home alone all day but I had to get my mind off everything.

"Where's Zayn?" I asked Harry and he shrugged.

"Oh wait Zayn's with Zoe isn't he?" Louis asked and Liam bit his lip hitting Louis.

"Why would he be with Zoe?" I asked and began wondering. They weren't together were they?

"I'm going to call her." I said and grabbed my phone angrily typing in her number.

Four rings later she answered.


"Zoe what are you doing?" I asked trying to sound casual.

"Wasntaking a nap." She said and I believed her. She has a certain voice when she wakes up.

"Zoe who is it?" Another voice asked groggily in the background.

"Who is that?" I asked clenching my jaw. Liam looked upset and Niall, Harry and Louis were busy eating.

"Zayn came over to hang out...I didn't want to be alone and he came over for you." She said slowly.

"Zayn needs to leave right now this is inappropriate behavior." I snapped and she was quiet.

"Micheal wants you to go." She said softly. I heard a mumble and a moan before hearing some movement. "Alright talk to you later Zayn." She said before I heard her sigh. "Happy?" She asked.

"Not really. I don't want you around him alone anymore Zoe." I told her.

"And you all wonder why I have no friends." She sighed and hung up. I looked at my phone angrily.

"Mate Zayn is a good guy, you have nothing to worr my about." Liam spoke softly and I shook my head.

"It's not that...she's important and gullible, she will get hurt by anything...she isn't ready forna relationship."

"How do you know that is what they want?" Liam asked knitting his eyebrows together.

"They were clearly asleep, and who knows what, he barely hangs out with us, that and nobody likes her as just a friend." I said and Liam gasped.

"You talk about your sister in such a horrid manner, and you're worried about her going off and being with someone who could make her happy."

"She doesn't need someone to make her happy she just needs to be happy herself." I fought.

"Micheal, sometimes being with someone who makes you happy is the first step to getting better." Niall butted in. I looked st him and Liam nodded.

"He's right mate."

But I wasn't ready to give her to some guy. She deserves better.

Zayn Malik Broke My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now