Chapter Forty One

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Zoe's POV

It's been about two weeks since I moved here. Zayn has managed to bring me food almost every other day when he wasn't busy with recording or dance rehearsals.

It's been fun I should say. I wasn't expecting him to help me out so much but its been a relief not having to do everything on my own all at once. Work is interesting. I have already finished editing one of the novels and passed it off. I felt great but I brought worl home a lot.

Niall and I skype all the time and we text all day no matter what. I can't wait for him to get here, I just wish he didn't have to leave his friends behind. He'll be so lonely...

There was a knock on thebdoor which brought me up to my feet slowly as I tossed the script aside and went to the door pulling my hands deep inside the sleeves of my sweater. I pulled it open and Zayn stood there with a smile holding up a bag of food.

"Oh my hero." I joked and moved aside for him to walk in.

"Bad day?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Niall is coming in two weeks and I wished it was sooner...I miss him a lot." I sighed.

"Wow that's got to suck." He said and put the food on the table as I pulled up a chair.

"Yeah I am emotionally unstable and sexually frustrated." I sighed.

"Me too no worries. Trisha and I barely even talk anymore." He rolled his eyes.

"Why stay with her if your miserable?" I asked.

"The sex is great." He shrugged.

"So when we were together the sex wasnt?" I asked raising an eyebrow and his face turned bright red.

"No it was amazing. I was just pig headed and selfish." He said quickly and pulled open the bags pulling out greasy food.

I was so hungry. 

We ate in comfortable silence and when we were done he and I retired to the couch. He wrote some lyrics and I finished editing the script. My phone started vibrating and I pulled it up and hit talk.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Babe!" Niall screeched.

I laughed and Zayn looked over my bit his lip looking back down. I knit my eyebrows together in confusion and focused back in on the conversation with Niall.

"So whatchoo up to?" He asked.

"Work." I sighed.

"The book that bad?" He asked chuckling.

"Worse." I said and he laughed. "I'm gonna toss it I can't even." I sighed and closed my binder and looked over at Zayn who was focused on his paper and scrawling more words on it. I couldn't read any of it though.

Zayn looked over and smiled. I rolled my eyes and smiled back.

"Babe?" Niall asked.

"Sorry what?" I asked staring back at Zayn wordlessly.

"Are you busy?" He asked.

"No sorry Niall." I said feeling terrible. I looked away from Zayn and at the floor.

"He's there isn't he?" Niall asked and I closed my eyes feeling the guilt.

"Yeah." I said softly.

"Well call me when he leaves." He snapped jealously and hung up.

I put my phone down and bit my lip.

"What?" Zayn asked looking at me curiously.

"Niall's jealous..." I sighed and ran my hands through my hair leaning against the back of the couch.

"I'm sorry." Zayn said and I looked up at him.

"It's alright. I understand where he's coming from but it's a little intense..." I said to him softly and looked away. "But you are my ex." I sighed.

"I regret it all you know that right?" He asked.

I nodded gently and he scooted closer to me.

"Are those songs about her or me?" I dared myself to ask.

He bit his lip and released it slowly before answering. "You. She thinks its her but if you look into the lyrics deeper they're for you." He told me and my heart dropped.

"You didn't have to do this..." I whispered.

He caressed my cheek in his hand and nodded softly.

"I know but it was the first way that came up to me."

"You're not changing Zayn." I whispered and his face twisted.

"What? I'm here with you now?" He said quickly.

"Trisha is your girlfriend and you're cheating on her with me." I said and stood up and walked across the room. Zayn followed and grabbed my arm twisting me around and pulling me to his chest. My head slammed into him and I gasped as his fingers threaded through mine.

"I've never wanted anyone but you Zoe. Why can't you see that?" He whispered.

"You keep hurting me Zayn." I said softly. "I can't love someone who keeps hurting me."

"We were together once you know?" He shouted and I pulled away.

"You hurt me Zayn. Niall has never done that!" I shouted back.

"Oh so he's the safe replacement for me?" He asked angrily.

I rolled my eyes. "He isn't a replacement. I love him!"

"Then why are you here with me right now? For the past two weeks we've been hanging out together a lot...why?" He asked leaning against the wall.

I walked away but he followed me and grabbed my waist turning me towards him and slamming his lips onto mine. I fought against him for a moment before giving in.

He was so warm and familiar.

He slowly pulled his lips from mine and looked down at me softly.

"Fate wants us together Zoe. Why fight it when it's so clear you want me too?" He asked and I looked at the floor.

"I love Niall. And this shouldn't be happening." I whispered and turned away from him walking into my bedroom and closing the door behind me. Tears began falling from my eyes as I paced the room endlessly.

My door opened and I wiped my eyes before turning around. Zayn grabbed me and kissed me hard on the lips. I gasped and kissed him back equally as hard.

He grabbed me and pulled me onto the bed and laid between my legs. He broke away from my lips and kissed my neck. I arched my back and moaned in pleasure

"Zoe." He moaned against my skin as he removed my shirt and bra. A few moments went by and we were both naked and he rubbed himself against me.

I moaned loudly and he took the oppertunity to kiss my mouth.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded without thinking.

He slammed into me making me gasp.

His thrusts were like poison and I only wanted more. His back looked terrible and you could tell he had sex by the time we were finished. I had huge dark hickeys all over my chest.

He pulled out and collasped beside me panting. He pulled me closer and burried his head in the crook of my neck and sighed.

"That was incredible." He said breathlessly. I laughed and curled up in his arms.

And not even thirty minutes later round two was in action and coming to an end.

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