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"Katerina! Katerina!" The pale woman's cries were desperate and laced with fear as she searched desperately for her precious girl.

"Katerina this isn't funny." The woman's cries were closer to sobs as she saw her beautiful girl sitting peacefully on the old wooden bench, staring at the sun without a care in the world, little did she now that the life she new would never be the same.

The woman wrapped her arms around the angelic girl, pulling her into a hug while kissing her honey soft hair repeatedly before cupping her face and looking directly into her almond shaped eyes, so young and innocent, blind to the terror and destruction that was slowly closing in, blind to her fate that she could not change. Blind to the dangerous path that lay before her.

"Listen to me child." The woman cooed as she gently cupped the girls face in her hands. "Remember those evil men I told you about?" The woman paused, waiting for the girl to nod. "Good girl, well, they're here Katerina, in the village. Father and your brothers are trying to stop them, trying to prevent them from burning down the village. Do you understand?"

Her forehead wrinkled in confusion, after all the stories, after all the warnings, they were actually here, they had actually come.

"They're searching the village, they're looking for you." Stroking her sun lighted hair away from her face, the woman continued to stare into her eyes. "But, my darling, you needn't worry. I will never let them harm you."

The woman lifted the child into her arms, she couldn't help put notice that she was too light for her age, that her clothes were too loose, too baggy for her delicate frame. She felt bad that she hadn't been able to give this child everything she dissevered. All the wonders that befit her.

“Katerina, be a good girl and hold on to me.” Clutching the child as close to her chest as possible the woman waited till the child responded, wrapping her small arms around her neck and placing her legs on her hips, before she started running.

Straight into the dark leafy canopy of the woods.

Away from the smell of burning homes, of desperate screams, of muffled cries. Keeping the child close to her as she tried to move undetected through the woods. Always aware of the shouts of soldiers and the cracking of flames.

Leaving the chaos behind. She ventured further into the woods.

Night past into day as the woman carried the small child through the dense canopy of the forest, the moss covered trees slick under her fingers as she tried to gain her breath. Yet the shouts and screams were scaringly audible over the harsh sound of twigs snapping and her laboured breath.

Fear consumed her, yet the woman kept running.

She ran for the sake of everyone she loved, her husband and her sons, for everyone who lived in the village, sacrificing their life for the precious child she held in her arms, she ran so that one day everyone could be free of the oppression that ruled this land.

“Shhh, Katerina.” The woman whispered, shaking the precious girl to wake her from her sleep. “I'm sorry Katerina but the men are still following us.” She placed a gentle kiss on the girls forehead. “Whatever happens, whatever you hear, do not reveal yourself. Or everything will have been for nothing. Do you understand?”

Again the child did nothing but nod.

“Good.” The woman smiled, even as the tears started to fall from her eyes, wishing just once that the beautiful child would speak. “Just remember Katerina, I love you, your mother loves you and your father loves you. Because truly, you are blessed.” The woman reaches inside her tattered cloak, pulling out a perfect deep red rose. “You know you needn’t fear, I will be back before the last petal wilts.”

With that she placed Katerina gently on the ground, pressing the deforned rose into one of her baby soft hands, she allowd herself one last look before stepping out from their leafy hiding place, whispering "be safe."

Katerina wasn't stupid, she knew who the men that stormed her village were.

Who came at night with swords and torches.

And she knew the prophecy:

Only one can rule the land,

Only one can take a stand.

Only one can win his heart,

Only one is that smart.

Only one can set us free.

But who will it be.

OK brand new story, I'm having a go at something completely different so it would mean so much to me if you could give me a comment, just to know what you think.

Thank you


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