Chapter Four

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Chapter Four



No matter how fast I walked down the corridor or how swiftly I avoided students crowded around lockers, I couldn't seem to out pace the blonde missile that was heading my way.

"Rose, wait up."

The slightly clammy hand that landed on my arm caused me to jump slightly, how the hell did she get there so quickly?

"Did you not hear me?" Her puppy dog eyes started to weaken my conviction, why was it so hard to be a bitch to this girl?

I look anywhere apart from at her face, "no, I was lost in a world of my own I guess." Shrugging my shoulders slightly.

"That's fine, no need to apologize silly." She smacks my arm. "Any how, I just wanted to thank you again, you seemed sort of distant last night and I thought -"

"Well I should be going." I state, cutting Kaitlin off. "Don't want to be late for class." I quickly stride of in the opposite direction, away from my next lesson, away from another lesson with my new admirer.

"Rose? Class is the other-"

As if God had been watching me and had decided I'd suffered enough the bell decided to go at that precise moment.

The phrase saved by the bell had never been more true.

"Ah Miss Smith your punctuality astounds me."

"I'm sorry." I said as I dropped my bag down beside my seat. "I'm still getting used to my knew timetable, you know how the start of term can be."

"I do, but the start of term was over two months ago. Detention. I think you know when and where." Mr Hyman sighed, running his hands through his already tousled hair, he'd clearly been having a tough morning which I'd managed to make so much worse by daring to turn up ten minutes late just because I didn't want to endure anymore 'thank yous' from Kaitlin.

"Now, I know I asked you all yesterday to read the chapter on The Lost Princess and be prepared to have an open discussion on it today, and seeing as the chapter was only four pages long I really do expect you all to have read it."

There was a general murmur of agreement as many people began to nod their head.

"So then it shouldn't be hard for anyone to give me a short synopsis?" Instantly hands shot up, most of them were girls who looked like they'd come to the conclusion after reading the book that they must in fact be The Lost Princess.

"Hmmm, how about Rose?"

All eyes turned to me, the girl who'd arrived late, the girl who'd been rude yesterday and the girl who hadn't read the chapter.

"You did read it, didn't you Rose?" He was trying to catch me out, a sort of pay back after all the abuse I'd given him, his own source of revenge.

"Of course I did." I plaster a great big grin on my face as I clear my throat. "You see once upon a time there was this girl with beautiful long blonde hair, who was taken away from her parents at a very young age by an evil witch, who only wanted the girl becau-"

"Are you sure you read the chapter Miss Smith?"

"Well actually, I lost my book. So I decided to read Rapunzel instead because I thought, 'how different can they be?'"

"Extremely different, Rapunzel is completely fictional, where as the story of The Lost Princess has a certain amount of truth in it. Zero."


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