Chapter One: Rumors

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(Your POV)

"Don't touch me you stupid peasant!" Jessie whisper/yells at her friend, Jamie. Jamie is currently refusing to release Jessie's sleeve to her black 'Otaku' sweatshirt. Jamie was playing with the excess fabric around the forearm, considering the thing was at least two sizes too big. Looking up from my doodles on the scratch sheet of paper in front of me, I saw our teacher, Ms. Bailey Tanaka, at her desk snickering at the two idiots. I laughed along with her once I notice that a few other students had begun to watch them bicker. "I shan't!" Jamie replied defiantly.

Some students were fiddling with their expensive phones, some finishing way over-due assignments on their newly school issued laptops. Then, there were people reading. One specific reader that stuck out was Kyoya Otorii. The spoiled third son of the Otorii family. Ugh... rich people. I like his idea though, next time I know we aren't gonna do much in this class I need to bring a book. Thanks for the life saving idea Kyoya.

Turning my attention back to the two best friends, I watch as the comedic stupidity continues. Jessie is repeatedly smacking Jamie in the face with her loose sleeve while violently shaking the other. At some point, she hits Jamie in the face and Jamie latches on to the free sleeve with her teeth. "____, please, I beg. Halp meh! Make this dirty peasant stop assaulting me." Jessie cries, looking at me with pleading eyes as she snickers under her breath.

I simply sigh, "Why should I help? I'm nothing more than a lowly peasant myself." I giggle maniacally as she fumbles on her words. "Why you no help moi?" She whines. "I just told you." I say, turning to the digital clock above the door. Eleven fifty-nine. Sixteen minutes till' lunch.

"You joining us for lunch? or..." Jamie asks after releasing Jessie's sleeves, trailing off. Her light accent ever so apparent. Her and Jessie are from the States. Jessie from northern U.S. and Jamie from the south. "Whom else would I join? These preppy rich jerks? Ha!" I sarcastically question. "Good point." She replies. "Yeah, I can't too much stand these guys either, even if we do come from the same social class." Jessie sighs, probably thankful Jamie released her sleeves and seized her 'assault' on the 'poor' girl.

Jessie never takes offense to my slanders against the higher ups in society. She herself being one, you'd have figured she would be. I slightly envy her parents' wealth, although she's never actually had the pleasure of seizing the full power of it. From what I know she has a fairly small budget for each month that her parents allow her to spend on what she wishes, but only if she keeps her grades up. Well, it is small compared to a rich person's budget; compared to mine and Jamie's, she could feast on unlimited ramen for the next seven years. Give or take a few packs. I guess the message I'm trying to convey is compared to others, she doesn't flaunt her money. This is unlike one of Jamie's other friends.

My reason for envying Jessie is because of her privilege at school. She saved up her allowance for a few months, only having to endure half of her Freshman year here in this horrid dress. Now she's free to wear converses with baggy bluejeans and sweat shirts all she wants for her remaining years here, and she's living it up in only her Sophomore year. Jamie, however, still gets away with walking around in converses. I guess that the teachers finally got tired of trying to force her to wear these heels.

"Great." Jessie says after a bit, "We sitting in the same spot as last time?" Jamie and I nod. "I love ditching the cafeteria. Too many rude snobs and show off money flaunters. Makes me sick." Once again she earns a nod from Jamie and me.

"We should probably start packing up. Even though we're always the last one's out, I'm sure Ms. Bailey would prefer we don't hold her up on eating her lunch." Jessie states. She's the only one out of our class that has the privilege of calling our Biology teacher by her first name. Her mom and the teacher have been friends since middle school and Ms. Tanaka also used to be her babysitter. I slowly start putting my books and sketch journal away.

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