Intermission One: Lipstick Keychain

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Quick announcement. This is a flashback chapter so I'm simply going to say that here to dissolve the chance of confusion along the way. Also I know in Japan (or at least in anime) they introduce themselves last name then first name, but I won't do that. I also know that when first meeting someone you're supposed to stick to last names but let's just say this group is overly friendly. Okay, proceed. Hope you enjoy~

(Your POV)

"So, how you liking Ouran?" Jamie asks as we walk through the courtyard. "I don't know. I feel fortunate that I got into this school on grades alone but..." I start. "You feel like you're gum on the sidewalk compared to all the rich kids here. I know how that feels. You just have to make a name for yourself." She comments, turning her head and smiling at me. "And what a way to do that!" She laughs, creeping me out a bit. "What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"You've made friends with a near-homicidal maniac and a freak who beats up admirers, and only on your third day!" She continues laughing. "Wait, what!" I scream, stopping. "Oh, you haven't heard. Jessie and I both have bad reputations at this school." She replies, stopping and scratching her temple. "Yeah so, you'll hear a lot of rumors about us. Some will be way over exaggerated but partially true. Kinda like a lot of the movies now days that say 'based on a true story'." She says, turning to me. I stay silent waiting for her to explain.

"So there's this guy, Naomi Hokkaido, he's a perverted freak. He thinks Jessie and I are, to put it plainly, together. We aren't." I can tell she's growing increasingly embarrassed and frustrated just telling me this. "He... So he came up to us in the hallway one day and decided he'd make a scene. He saw us walking together and he had a hand full of rose petals. He tossed 'em in the air and when we both started looking around like 'what the heck's going on' he called us out. 'Miss Jamie Kraus and Miss Jessie Kuzmich, you two would make the most lovely couple' he yelled it out for the entire hall to hear. We slowly turned to look at him and he started smiling brightly." She clenched her hands and I could see the physical marks her nails were making on her palms. I would stop her, but I really want to hear the rest of this story. "So I turned to him and said, 'We aren't a couple, sorry.' Jessie was the one to get agitated first. She kinda stepped away from me, feeling awkward. 'Oh, but please, before you leave can I have a couple picture?' He asked, Jessie started getting really disgusted at that point, and so was I. 'Look, she said aren't a couple, and we aren't! So just leave us alone!' Jessie yelled. He then proceeded to get onto his hands and knees, in the middle of the godforsaken hallway, and beg for a picture! At this point Jessie and I were both beet red from humiliation and anger." She stopped, taking a breath and opening and closing her hands before crossing her arms.

"So I said, 'You have to the count of eight to get your sorry butt off the floor and out of my face'. He continued begging and people started laughing and whispering. They were gossiping about Jessie and me. If it was just about me I could handle it but Jessie was to the point where she looked like she couldn't take it any more. She is like a sister to me. I hate seeing my little sister that way. 'Get up!' I growled, grabbing him by his collar. When he looked up at me he smirked. That little sick..... Smirked. At that point I lost my cool and grabbed him by his hair instead and pulled him up. 'You think this is funny?' I asked, releasing his hair and shoving him. He looked at me as though I'd lost my mind. Then... He started laughing." Jamie was shaking with anger at this point, squeezing her arms to the point that her knuckles were turning white and the skin on her arms was red.

"Jamie, you don't have to finish." I tell her, lightly putting my hand on hers. "No. You need to hear the real story from one of us, before it's blown out of proportion." She says, grabbing my hand and squeezing lightly. "I'd rather you hear us from one of us." She stated, taking a breath. "Where was I..." She sighs thinking back. "Oh yeah, so after he started laughing I went totally berserk. First I kneed him in the gut and his magenta eyes were filled with shock. Then I proceeded to wail on him until someone went and got a teacher to break it up and a friend of mine pulled me off him. Now I hate his stinking guts." She finished, smiling lightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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