Chapter Five

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        That Saturday I walked from buiseness to buiseness, trying to find out which job was for me. I left the YMCA and slumped in my snekers as I walked down the street. Today I was wereing a paire of jeans and a t-shirt with zero make up. All of the jobs I was looking at were the kind you didn't need to dress up for so I hadn't botherd insted just showed up as myself.

     If anyone from my group where to see me like this right now they'd think I was crazy. If they even recognized me. They'd call me out and disown me than send me off to the nut house. It was anyoing and stupid. From the time we were littel it's been like that and I've hated it ever sence. I've treid expaineing it to Shenickwa and event to the girls. But she said it's what I had to do being moms littel model, and they would make me feel unwlecomed and low if I wasn't what they wanted me to be. It was the same way with the weight thing. I had to stay a sertan size and a sertan wigth or they'd gripe at me for it. We all had to have the same figure, we had to match and show the school what it looked like to be perfect. It drives me insane. To me I think if someone is happy wiht how they look than who are we to tell them any difrent?

     Sighing I looked up at the sky. The day was a stormy over cast just threating to break open and wash us in thunder and lighting. "And me without my umbrella.", I mumbeld to myself then froze mid step.

    Across the street on the corner above a small square building was a sign. It read in big swrieling letters, 'Madem Luise Ballet Co.' Without thinking I pulled out the purpal flyer that I've been caring around, and ran across the street. I got to the door just as a tall skiny woman existed the door, turning to lock it behind her. "Wait! Exuse me miss, wait.", I called as I ran. She jumped and turned to look at me with clear blue eyes. "Yes?", she asked wierly. "Pardon me ma'am, but I was woundering if the assistant teachers positon has been filled?", I said handing her the flyer, my lungs finaly slowing down. The womans thin face light up, "Why no it hasn't. Come in, come in, I was just about to close up. Your lucky you caught me.", she said and usherd me inside. We sat down in the sutido lobby, in large over stuffed chairs across from eachother. "Now may I see your resume?", she asked holding out her hand.

"Resume?", I asked feeling my heart drop.

"Yes your resume pleas.", she said again.

     I stared down at my hands in my lap, feeling as thought they'd betraied me for not haveing a resume in them. "Well, ma'am, I don't have a resume, see I'm a student from St. Martins High-", I saterd but she cut me off, her face falling, "And your with that job program there doing, I supos.", her voice sounding tired now. "Yes I-", I started but she cut me off again. "I told them that I wasn't just leting anyone have this job. I need someone that knows ballet!", she said as though she was talking to herself. "I know ballet. I took classes for four years and was the premia ballerina of my class." She looked at me her face smileing again, "You did?" I nodded.

        "Wounderfull! You must show me what you can do. Oh, but, not today. I'm late for a meting and I just must be going. Do you think you could stop by Wesnday miss....", she said happily. "Naomi Valentine. And yes I'd be glad to. What time?", I said, just as happily. She made a very excited squeek, "Oh how about 5:30? I close at six so that should be a good time. Thank you for comeing Miss Valentine.", she said offering me her hand as we stood up to leave. I shook her hand feeling like I could grow wings and fly away. "Just Naomi pleas. And thank you ma'am, for giving me a chance.", I said greatfully.

      She told me the pleaser was all hers and lead me out the door. We said goodbye and she drove off in her Honda as I walked home just as the rain started coming down. I laughed as I ran the rest of the way to my building. Even our grumpy landowner couldn't get me down. My silver lineing had shown it's self.

        When I got back to school the next week, I was just about the happyiest person alive. I had spent all weekend practicing ballet and had remeberd how much I had loved to dance when I was younger. The rest of my weekend was spent studing for test and assignments that where over dew. By the time I got to Mr. Barleys math class I was as happy as a kid in a candy shop. He gave us an easy assingment and I had it finished quickly, proud of myself for geting better at math. After the class was done I stayed to talke to Mr. Barley about my grade then headed out of the room into the crowded hallway.

    "Well your shur in a good mood." A deep smooth voice said behind me. I spun around to see Aaron leaning against a trophy cases. His lips twitched up into the tinest grin. I stood frozen trying to look defient, a cold chill creepin up my spine. "Yes, and I'm not going to let you ruine it.", I said turning on my boot heel and walking away. Aaron joged cooly up to my side where his swager fell instep with mine. I was constintly awar that the swarm of kids around us would stop and stare every now and then as they got out of our way.

"And, why would I do that?", he asked trying to catch my eye. But I wouldn't even look at him. I glared at a pesky kid who was watching us like a science project. It was a good excues not to stare at him.

"Look can you stalk me another time?", I snaped and he came to a abrut stop as I kept walking.

"Wow you really can be stuck on yourself.", he said.

        I stoped, turning to glare into his.....chest. Crap. Even a few feet between us he's still taller. I tiped my head up and glared. "Excuse me?"

     "You heard me. Around here you act like you really are the queen and everyone should bow down to you.", he said geting even closer to me as he jesterd around at the kids in the hall. "But you know what?" He leanded down puting his lips to my ear, his breath warm on my neck. "I know your not.", he whispered.

   I jumped back quickly and wallked stared walking again, him falowing me as the halls thind out. "I don't know what you're talking about.", I said. He shruged as if it didn't matter. But from the look in his eyes, it did.

"Uh, hu shure. Whatever you say."

"Well I do say."

"Bet you do."

"What douse that-"

        He cut me off, "It was the first week of August, I think, yeah. You where walking threw that big mall uptown, pushing a carge, with this boy next to you. You where in these torn up mom jeans and some giant t-shirt. I didn't even recgonize you, you looked so normal. Like some girl I'd see around the hood chilling. Now why would you look like that if you where the queen? Wouldn't a queen rather be dead than be in something normal?", He said all this as his eyes searched my face, he tucked his hands into the pockets of his gray colord jeans.

      As he talked I thought back to that day when I was buying school suplise with the money mom had given us. I had been woried someone would see me and that I'd be toast, but at the same time I was to buisy taking care of Ieisha to think about that. The day had turned out to be a good one and in the end I did go home. To a aparment building in the bad part of town on the far corners of "the hood".

       My body trembeld, "I don't think that's any of your buisens.", I said pulling my books to my chest as though I could protect myself with them. His shoulders slumped and he chuckeld sadly to himself. "Yeah I guess so. See ya.", he said walking away, his usaly swager fumbling.

       I frowned, biteing my lip. Sighing I turned and walked to class questions running threw my head. Why was he so interseted about the way I am? Why was I still thinking about him? And the scaryist of all. Why would a high up NSL be watching a girl? Maby they are like the Repers. Only insted of having everything out in the open they do all there dirty work behind closed doors. I shook myself, consintraing on my work.

     But I couldn't stop thinking about what he had said. My sister loved the popalr croud and realy wouldn't have ben caught dead in mom jeans. Heck my mom didn't even own a pair. Growing up I was always trying to be like them but it never seemed ot work that way. I was always more comfortable being comfortable. After years of trying to get it right I ened on top of the pryamid just as they had wanted. But why do I do it? Why do I work so hard to live up to a name? I spent the rest of the day as a zombie. Even Nicholas didn't try to cheer me up like he normaly would. That night I fell asleep with a feeling of a black hole inside me threating to swalow me in.

*Authers note* I'm considering add small parts of Arons POV......message if you think I should :)

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