An Apology + little Rant

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An apology for you.

Recently I haven't been drawing a lot so I'm just posting junk in my book. Many of you noticed, so I'm drawing now. The thing is I don't always have the time to good drawing that I'm proud of to post. Even at school I try to draw but sometimes I just can't. I want to apologize for not really posting anything good.... The only reson I wanted to post the random things is to tell you guys that I'm still here and online. I just have been feeling really down lately too. So all you're nice comments and acts of kindness really help :)

So just a shout out to some of my best friends on wattpad, who've helped me in a lot of ways.

Lady-Portugal or portucakes you've honestly been such an inspiration to me and you've helped me with the big things and the little things that I have trouble with, thank you for being an amazing friend. I can count on you of being there for me.

Doom-Chan All those late night convos and laughs mean so much to me. Just the fact that I know someone's there to cheer me up, and make me feel better makes me feel very loved and happy to have a great friend like you.

fuwa_fuwa you were there from the beginning you supported me and all my  choices! You were the one that kept pushing me to do anything and everything whatever it was. You supported me. So thank you for that.

-ArtemisPhoenix-  thank you for everything, you're a loving and kind sister but, lately we haven't been talking to me that much... Maybe it's that but, idk. I love you so much tho! Maybe we could draw sometime together?

That's all, if I missed you I really don't mean too. Thank you to all my fans + supporters, and I found out that I'm a senpai to some people!!! Wow! Thank you all.

I'll have some art now :)

My Sketch Book! + Random stuffWhere stories live. Discover now