Isogai X reader

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You sighed heavily, as you walked out of girls room. You were heading towards the vending machine, to get a drink, until you heard the guys talking about the girls. Your were really curious on what they thought about the girls, especially Isogai, you wanted to know if he liked you. You stood by the door, listening to it

"So the 1st one is Kanzaki then the 2nd one is (First name)" You heard, you couldnt help it to blush.

"Ne, Isogai, arent you close with (First name?)" You heard Maehara ask.

"Yeah." Isogai replied.

"Do you have a crush on her?" Sugino asked.

Isogai blushed heavily, looking around.

"Uh....M-maybe..." The ikemen replied in response, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"HE DOES!!!" Maehara screamed.

You blushed heavily, before letting out a small giggle. You had to admit, Isogai looked really cute when he blushed.

"(First name)?" Karma said making you scream.

"Ohohoho... (First name)-chan is eavesdropping now?" The red headed boy said smirking.

"N-no!" You said and He grabbed your arm, opening the door, pulling you in with him.

"(First name)?" Nagisa questioned.

"I caught her eavesdropping outside." Karma answered and you panicked.

"I-UH..... BYE!!!!" You yelled running outside back to the girls room.

Isogai blushed heavily, covering his face.

|| On the train ride ||

You sat by the window with Kayano,Kanzaki and Okuda.

"So Karma caught you after that?" Kayano asked.

"Yep. IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!" You cried out banging your head against the window.

"(First Name)! DON'T DO THAT YOU COULD GET HURT!"Kanzaki exclaimed.

You layed your head in Kanzaki's lap, groaning.

"He probably wont talk to me now because I heard everything..." You whined, curling up into a ball.

"Awww.. (First name), he's coming over." Okuda said and you shot up, way to fast hitting your head on the arm rest.

"(First name)! are you alright?!" Isogai and the 3 girls asked.

"Y-yeah..." You mumbled.

"Listen (First name), Can I talk to you?" Isogai asked and you slowly nodded following him.

once the 2 of you were alone, you bowed down saying "Sorry for eavesdropping!"

"A-ah.. that... that's fine.... I just wanted to ask you something..." He said blushing.

"I-I LIKE YOU TOO!" You said and he looked at you in shock.

He smiled and hugged you.

You looked at him and he slightly swayed back and forth.

"Well then, will you be mine?" He asked and you smiled.

"Yes isogai." You said pecking his cheek

∞ ∞

Alright, yeh im bored rn.


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