Chapter Twelve

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I leant against my locker, scowling at everyone that walked past, feeling no inclination whatsoever to actually get out my books and go to class. I stared down the hallway, thankful that the universe was on my side for once and that Jesse's locker was on the other side of the school. I don't think I could face him, knowing what he witnessed. I wonder who he's told. Miles is probably almost wetting himself with laughter right at this very second.

"What's got your knickers in a knot?" Ryder asked drily, leaning on the locker beside me. I glanced at him, contemplating whether or not I should confide in him before shaking my head. I'd never live it down. Not to mention he doesn't know that I think of Jesse like that. I looked back up the hallway, shaking my head. I could feel his eyes staring at the side of my face.

"You know, whatever it is, it's not that bad right? You can tell me. Or tell Parker if you'd feel more comfortable. He's better at that feelings thing than I am." Ryder said, voice quiet in the noisy hallway. I stiffened, turning my head to glare at him.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I replied stiffly, before turning away and starting to wander down the hallway. Behind me, I heard a locker open and close, before Ryder was beside me again, scoffing, his arms full of books.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong. If there was though, Parker and I are always going to be here and available to talk to, kay?" I opened my mouth, sharp retort at the ready when Parker popped up on the other side of me.

"What am I always available for?" Parker asked curiously, grinning at us.

"Supporting Todd when he's got his knickers in a knot." Ryder replied, before walking into me and almost physically steering our little group around a corner with minimal effort.

"Absolutely." Parker replied seriously, throwing an arm of my shoulder and giving me a brotherly squeeze. I rolled my eyes at them, but started feeling a bit lighter in their company, more able to face the humiliation that no doubt was coming my way.

"Parker is better to get advice from though. He's better with the emotion stuff. I'll just listen and be silent support." Ryder reiterated.

"It's because I actually have emotions, Ryder." Parker teased, and I snorted. Ryder just shrugged in reply, eyes searching the hallway before nudging us around another corner. I glanced up to see where we were going, stiffening when I realised we were on the side of the school that held Jesse's locker. I looked at Ryder suspiciously and he just glanced at me innocently in response, a tiny hint of a smirk on his face. I scowled at him before mentally making myself calm down. There's no way Ryder could possibly know about what happened with Jesse. Not yet anyway. I would have heard about it myself if it was going around the school.

I glanced up the hallway cautiously, hoping I wouldn't see a familiar head of curly blonde hair. I don't think I could deal with the embarrassment yet. I breathed out in relief when I still couldn't see anyone.

"Relax dude. We're not taking you to death row." Parker said, giving me another squeeze with the arm that hadn't left my shoulders yet.

"Just to class... which is pretty much the same thing." Ryder mumbled. Parker snorted.

"Ryder just made a joke. I'm shocked. Is the world ending? I'm starting to feel faint." Parker teased, picking up my hand and holding the back of it to his forehead dramatically. I felt myself starting to lighten up and I couldn't hold back the smile. I don't know what I'd do without these guys around all the time.

"Hey Parker!" A bubbly voice piped up in front of us. Parker dropped my hand and straightened up, a faint flush working its way up his neck to his cheeks. He cleared his throat quietly before giving the small blue eyed boy in front of us a gentle smile.

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