Chapter Fourteen

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So, I have come to the conclusion that I'm not very good at doing this whole write chapters in advance and hoard them in case I get writers block thing. I get way too excited to post them. So what the hey, have another one. 

I apologise in advance for that inevitable time in the distant future when y'all don't get a chapter because I apparently get so excited that I can't keep a written chapter to myself for longer than 24 hours

Enjoy :) 



"I want to apologise. I was a bit of an arse today and you didn't deserve it." Todd whispered, his eyes focused on a patch on the floor. Come on Todd, look at me.

"I did deserve it a little bit. I think I should apologise too. You were obviously upset and embarrassed about what happened and I should have been more sensitive about it. I didn't mean to make you feel bad." I replied quietly, hoping bringing up what happened would make him make eye contact, even if it's with anger. A dull flush started working its way up his neck and I could have kicked myself. His eyes darted to the door and I panicked, quickly moving to block the exit. There is no way he's escaping until we've talked this out.

I should have known bringing it up wasn't the best way to go about this from the way he reacted today in Chemistry. It never occurred to me that he'd be this upset about what happened. I never realised he was this shy. I mean, he's always seemed so confident and defensive, and he goes through girlfriends so fast it's a wonder he doesn't have whiplash. He's almost an adult; surely he's masturbated in front of someone before.

High school is where almost everyone figures their sexuality out and starts to become sexually active. It's very rare these days for someone not to. Heck, even Luka comes to school trying to hide hickeys sometimes. Of course it is absolutely a personal choice thing and no one should be made to feel like their choice is the wrong one.

"Not that you have anything to be embarrassed about. I mean, you should be completely confident about your body. You've got a good one." I found myself babbling as the awkward silence stretched on. I winced at my choice of words. You've got a good one? Really? What a dumb compliment. He's going to think I'm laughing at him again. Todd shuffled his feet, looking so awkward that I just wanted to pull him into a hug and never let go.

"It was hot." I blurted out, and then closed my eyes in horror. That wasn't much of a step up.

"W... what?" Todd croaked out, eyes wide. Surely he knows how attractive he is? He has girls constantly falling at his feet. I took a couple of steps forward, resisting the urge to just reach out and yank him into my arms. Todd looked up, startled at the sudden lack of distance between us before he took a few steps backward and was stopped by the kitchen counter. He stared at me incredulously, unconsciously leaning back on the counter, making himself seem smaller.

I paused for a second as it hit me at once what the possible reason for him being so embarrassed was. The rumors Jennifer was spreading popped into my head and I could feel a small smile fighting to appear on my face as I considered the fact that he might be a virgin. If I was a virgin I would be incredibly embarrassed that someone caught me wanking. Heck, it'd be embarrassing even for people who were sexually active, but it would be worse for someone who hadn't shared that part of themselves yet.

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