Chapter 9

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>.> not edited or finished, but a promise was kind of broken and three days late, but pffppht whatever, I'll make sure the next chapter is extra extra long and... who am i kdding, it won't be edited xD anyways, thanks and read on.

"I don't know whether or not I should be happy I'm going, or angry with my father for making me do this," i told Yuki, who chuckled.

"Well, how am I supposed to know exactly?" He laughed at himself. 

"Jeez, sometimes I just want to kill you," I told him, making him chuckle at me. We were in his room, and I was picking out that i can wear for the cruise. Seriously, what was my dad thinking? And, yes I know I really want to go, but not in disguise. i want to go as myself, Riley the girl, not Riley the hot male at Ouran Highschool  who joined the Host Club.

At the same time, this could be fun... No never mind.

"I'll tell you to not bring sweats but you will anyways so there is no use," my father suddenly said, coming into the room. since Yuki was abandoned as a child, my father took custody of him, and Yuki said (when he was older of course), that he wanted to do his share. So my father came up with the brilliant idea of making him my 'slave'... Erm, i mean personal assistant. 

"Yeah so... thanks man," I changed what i was going to say, because if I back talked to him about him agreeing with me, that will change my sweats... meaning I won't have them with me.

"So, dad, why did you agree to this anyways?" i asked him.

"Because I want to test you, I want to see if you can really pull this off until you leave school," Wait... until I leave school? Damn. That's a long time, I really have to stay in this school until I passed grade 12? Oh i mean... I have to fake I am a boy... that deson't really bother me to be honest with you so oh well. 

"Okay, but really, when am i going to get to be a girl again?" I asked him making him laugh.

"If you pretend to be a boy, you can be immature all you want, however if you are a girl, you have a reputation to stick to. Kind of," he added making me laugh. 

"What reputation really? i yelled at Suo's dad like nothing, I hate dresses, I am pretty much that one misunderstood rich girl," I laughed when he grimaced.

"Yeah, well now you can be a boy who is a rebel as they call it," my dad said,ignoring how my actually reputation is. He pretty much explained it when he was telling me how I can act when I am a boy. 

"Dad, I just don't get you sometimes," i laughed at him. He walked out of the room.

"So the whole purpose of this is to test me?Well, I will let you know the only people in the club that don't know i am a girl is Honey and Mori-sempai," I told Yuki who glared at me.

"So you are not so secretive as you always like to say you are," Yuki laughed at me. 

"Someday, I will get away with murder... Your murder, then we'll see whose the secret one around here," he just rolled his eyes at my threat. No respect at all form my sla- personal assistant. 

"Anyways, we are doing this so for your own benefit," He told me.

"Yes because posing as a guy and getting all the girls is my benefit, it also seems to be every girl's dreams," i rolled my eyes. This 'cruise' isn't going to be fun is it?

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