Chapter 13

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I will be adding onto this chapter bit by bit, and whenever time permits me to do...

 (there might be one swear...)



We should be back by friday morning.

The cruise. Is. Almost. Over. I just need to endure it for 4 more days. Today's monday, and I don't count today because then it would be 5.

Thank the heavans Mori-sempai had went and gotten me medicine when wh stopped at a resort the day after. Holy crow, I don't think I was any happier to see pills. Or land for that matter. 

Speaking of Mori, he seems to be more at my side than Honey's. Which is extremly odd...

I walked through the ship's little room. I opened the door, and exited the room, only to walk right into an argument. Mori and Kyoya were arguing. They stopped as soon as they saw me. 

"Good morning Riley," Kyoya greeted me. I gave a smile. 

"Good Morning," I replied. 

"How are you this morning?" Mori asking me, in his deep voice. 

"Good, and you?" I asked him.

"Had better mornings thank you," He gave a look to Kyoya, who ignored him. 

It's so tense, and when have we ever greeted eachother like this? It feels weird. Like, weird like one of them peed in the bathroom and had to fess up because the captain just couldn't take it... Or maybe that's not the weird I was going for.

"Mori, where's Honey? You guys are like... always together?" I asked Mori. He turned to me.

"Honey-sempai is currently sleeping," Ah.. I guess that makes sense. 

"Riley, at 1 I have you scheduled for singing," I groaned. 

"Damn it Kyouya, I wanted to take it easy today, get my mind off of everything," I complained because I can do that. 

"If you want Riley-chan, I can spend some time with you before Honey wakes up," Ahh, he called me RIley-chan... Which was also kind of weird now that I am thinking about it.

"Of course, we should go... Now," I said because I couldn't take the tension anymore. Mori nodded, and we headed down the hall.

"Just don't forget Riley," I nodded as I left. 

"What's up with you two? It was so tense," I started as we walked down the hallway. 

"Yea, I suppose it was,".

That's it? Well I guess from Mori that's a lot. 

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked him. 

"You have your bathing suit underneath that right?" I saw im glance at my bathing suit strap that was showing.

I sleep in it when there is a chance I might get a sudden urge to swim. 

I mean I didn't wake up that too long ago. 

"Yep," I said. 

"Good, because we are going to the private simming pool," Private, good because I am a 'boy' right now. Holy shit guys I am a boy. I forget that I am a guy sometimes... I mean I don't always check. 

I started to laugh at how weird taht sound.

"Good idea, I sometimes forget that I am a boy sometimes, just slips my mind," I laughed again. Mori let out a chuckled. Holy monkey kings, I made him laugh. I smiled at that, because I should have a golden trophy. I mean that was an acomplishment. 

Monkey Kings.... Monk Kings.... Monk Ins. Go to your local Monk In today. Wait what? Monk Ins... Monk Ins. What am I on?

"I feel funny..." I said. 

My head feels weird.... Is that a clown. 

"Hey do you see the clown?" The clown... It was right infront of us, dancing weird, while walking. The fuck is a clown doing here. 

"Riley? There are no clowns," Hallucinations? 

Haha, Haluuuuccccinaaationssss. 

"Riley?" Suddenly I was in Mori's arms. 

"Woah, did you grab me? I was just standing a few seconds ago," I let out a laugh. 

"Riley, you tripped on the rug, are you okay?" Then I realized, I might have taken too many pills for my sea sickness. 

"Seasickness, the pills, might have taken too many... Wait sea sickness?" I look out from the halllway and saw the railing about 20 feet away. 

Through the glass doors, it was kind of pretty. 

The sea was kind of pretty, until is starts moving. And then the boats starts moving. I become very aware and the small movements that seem to bother no one else. And then it just keeps rocking. 

And then-


Ok, I apologize, this is the last time I swear. But I have a plan, and this need to happen again for that plan to work.

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