The 'ultimate' truth

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"I am so exhausted." Applejack, a tall-ish fair blonde puffed, wiping the hard earned sweat off the edges of her brow. She was sweaty and bent forward, hands on her knees, trying to realign her focus with the lines on the ground. "How many laps was that now, like 30? Give me a breath Rainbow!" She begged, her southern accent hidden by the gaps in which she used to inhale.

"Pfft! Nah, I know you can do better than that, AJ!" Another athletic girl encouraged, this one's hair dyed a spectrum of colours, standing at a smaller stature than the other. "How about 35? Then we'll call it for the day." She laughed.

 Rainbow Dash found some sickening joy in seeing her friend show a little weakness, as they were no stranger to competition, especially against each other. She wore proudly a silver whistle around her neck, fidgeting with the thing every once in a while. The girls had stayed half an hour afterschool, on the running track. They were alone for the most part, which seemed to be preferable considering how loud Rainbow had been projecting orders. 

"Alright, how about this?" The blonde posed, trying to change the subject with an offer that Dash would find difficult to refuse. "Let's have a race." Applejack stood up fully, catching her breath completely now.

Rainbow Dash raised a brow. "I'm listening..."

The cowgirl directed her index finger to a tree a little far in the distance, completely off the track, more towards school boundaries than anything else. "First one to that tree wins, and then we're done for the day, okay?" 

As if her friend had agreed immediately, AJ set herself in a racing start position, expecting Dash to do the same. Instead, Rainbow placed her hands on her hips, staring a little more mischievously at Applejack.

"Can we make it more interesting?" She suggested, always up for a challenge.

Applejack eyed her. "How so?" She retaliated quickly, the whole exchange not seeming difficult in her eyes, yet Dash was someone who always wanted more. Every mundane thing they did had to have some sort of exciting spin to make things more interesting. However, Applejack was more than willing to go along with these unnecessary modifications as long as she got to keep her pride. 

The tomboy let out a sneaky smile, starting to move closer to her friend, who remained true in her racing stance. Once Rainbow was in line with her, she aimed her vision towards the tree deemed the finish line. "Whoever loses, HAS to answer an ultimate truth question!" She smirked.

The blonde pushed her a little, creating more space between them, ready to agree. "FINE! GO!" She ushered, sprinting off. Dash, taken back by how fast AJ processed her words, took off a second later, having a wobbly start. However, her natural sporting ability allowed her to quickly make up the pace, long rainbow-dyed hair flying behind her.

The two pairs of legs caused a slight tremble amongst the Earth as they stomped on the asphalt of the school's tracks before making the slightly quieter transition to grass in unison, picking up speed. The tip of Dash's tongue hugged the bottom of her top lip, catching the cold breeze on it as she ran. Applejack didn't know why she did that, observing it in her peripheral vision as her friend began to make pace with her. She couldn't let her mind wander right now, however, grunting and pushing her body to move faster. The designated tree was so close now, fast approaching with Rainbowdash on her tail.

By this time, Rainbow was coming to terms with how close it was to being a tie and she was desperate to not have that happen. After all, what the heck was the point in setting that all of that up just for nothing to come of it? She only had about 20 seconds to think of something...  a little risky. Lightbulb. Letting out a sly grin, Dash began focusing all her energy into gaining a slight lead and suddenly jolted to a halt, turning and swinging her leg out as she did so.

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