Chapter 10

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Jasmine P.O.V.


Zayn had just kissed me and I couldnt describe it in words.

"Sorry." he said, looking...guilty.

"You dont need to apologize." I said, blushing alot.

"No, I do......because I have a girlfriend." he said. My heart broke into like a million pieces.

"You do?" I said, shocked, angry, and feeling used.

"Yeah...Chloe Ed." he said. Ugh.

How could I not have known? Chloe Ed is the school bitch. She's like "on top of the pyramid" and she thinks she's better than everyone ekse-which she's not. And if she found out that I went out with Zayn tonight, she would get her "girls" to spread a rumor about me or something.

"Wow Zayn, thats low." I said and walked in my house upset.

*Flashback over*

I was at my locker getting my math homework when someone appeared next to me. I looked up and saw Zayn. I rolled my eyes.

"Please dont be mad Jasmine." he said. I rolled my eyes again.

"Of course Im going to be mad. You shouldve never went out with me when you had a girlfriend. And Chloe, at that." I said.

"I broke up with her."

"And before you go-wait, you broke up with her?" I asked. He nodded.

"Did you tell her why?" I asked, hoping the answer was no.

"Yup." he said. Dammit.

"Why? Now she's going to start bothering me, and spreading rumors, and-"

"She's not going to do anything, because I told her not to." he said. Yeah, like that would stop her.

"Are you still mad at me?" he asked. I couldnt say yes.

"" I said, he hugged me, and went to his class. I kept what he said in mind, about Chloe, when I heard footsteps behind me. Speak of the devil.

"So you're the reason Zayn broke up with me?" she asked, in disgust. I rolled my eyes.

"oh, get over yourself, Chloe. Not everyone likes you." i said. she gasped.

"dont get your hopes up, bitch. zayn doesnt even like you."she snapped.

"first of all, im not a bitch, but you? oh, you are. and second, if he doesnt like me, then why would he kiss me?" i said, not thinking about what i've just done.

"he kissed you?! i thought zayn liked pretty girls." she responded and walked away. Chloe has passed the line of being a major bitch. Now she was implying that I wasnt pretty? I guess jealousy does get the best of people. Psst, and Zayn said she wouldnt do anything. Yeah, okay.

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